Azure Databricks Series - Part 4
Databricks Clusters

This is a continuation of my series of posts on Databricks where we most recently reviewed the Workspace & Notebooks. Now let’s get more familiar with the concept of clusters. Clusters Databricks breaks clusters into multiple categories: All-Purpose Clusters Job Clusters Pools Spark clusters consist of a single driver node and multiple worker nodes. The…

ML & AI for Software Developers - Part 21
Convolutional Neural Networks

Computer vision is a branch of AI in which computers extract perceptual information from images. Real-world uses include identifying objects in photos, removing inappropriate images from social-media sites, flagging defective parts coming off an assembly line, and facial recognition. Computer-vision models can even be combined with natural language processing (NLP) models to caption photos. I…

Migrating Data Workloads from SQL to Azure Synapse

You’ve heard about the advances in the Azure Synapse Analytics service. Microsoft has brought together data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics. In this webinar, we’ll review the fundamentals of Azure Synapse Analytics and why it may be the right choice for you. Both serverless and dedicated resource consumptions models will be covered.…

ML & AI for Software Developers - Part 20
Text Classification with Neural Networks

It’s not difficult to use Scikit-learn to build machine-learning models that analyze text for sentiment, identify spam e-mails, and classify textual data in other ways. But state-of-the-art text classification is most often performed with neural networks. You already know how to build neural networks that do binary classification and multiclass classification using rows of numbers…

Azure Databricks Series - Part 3
Workspaces & Notebooks

Now that you’ve instantiated the Databricks service within Azure, let’s take a tour of the workspace & become familiar with Notebooks. Workspace The above image shows the Databricks homepage of this workspace. The left menu provides the majority of your options (outside of administration). Clicking on Workspace expands to the following: The workspace is divided…

SQL in Azure Container Instances

Cloud computing challenges IT professionals to think about compute apart from storage so we can have limitless scalability. For some, thinking about SQL Server without hardwired storage and database is a difficult concept to grasp. In this session, you will learn how to implement a microservice ETL using a containerized SQL Server. You’ll also learn…

ML & AI for Software Developers - Part 16
Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that relies primarily on neural networks. Most of what’s considered AI today is accomplished with deep learning. From recognizing objects in photos to real-time speech translation to using computers to generate art, music, poetry, and photorealistic faces, deep learning allows computers to perform feats of magic that…