Azure Migrations - Part 1
Learning Azure

This is the first video in a multi-part series on Azure migrations by Wintellect Architect and Azure MVP Blaize Stewart. In part 1, we will look at an overview of what an Azure migration looks like, including learning, assessing, planning, and executing a migration into Azure. We will then review topics that will help you…

ML & AI for Software Developers - Part 3
Supervised Learning with k-Nearest Neighbors

Most machine-learning models fall into one of two categories. Supervised-learning models make predictions. For example, they predict whether a credit-card transaction is fraudulent or a flight will arrive on time. Unsupervised-learning models don’t make predictions; they provide insights into existing data. The previous post in this series introduced unsupervised learning and used a popular algorithm…

Power BI Aggregations

Power BI was originally released as a fully cloud-based, end-user targeted data visualization tool. Now it’s both a robust and scalable enterprise-level BI ecosystem. Microsoft has increased its ability to deal with a large volume of data both imported into and hosted outside the service to implement semantic models. In this session, Wintellect Data Architect…

Making Sense of the Power BI Ecosystem

Power BI adoption growth has been astonishing. And with growing demand, we also have growing needs. The service started as an end-user-driven data visualization tool but is now at the enterprise-grade semantic layer. In this session, you will learn more about the major Power BI features and in which use cases to apply them. What…

ML & AI for Software Developers - Part 2
Unsupervised Learning with k-Means Clustering

Machine-learning models fall into two broad categories: supervised-learning models and unsupervised-learning models. The purpose of supervised learning is to make predictions. The purpose of unsupervised learning is to glean insights from existing data. One example of unsupervised learning is examining data regarding products purchased from your company and the customers who purchased them to determine…

Building and Managing Containers with Azure

Building and managing containers are a large part of any container deployment. The entire process requires multiple steps and different tools to complete. Azure provides several different ways to manage automation and container images for deployment to container platforms. In this session, you’ll get a glimpse of three different ways to do this with Azure…
New Project

Project Santa Cruz Part 2: Capturing Images to Train a Model

After three very busy weeks of trying to get a few things done on other projects, I had a chance to circle back around for project Santa Cruz, also known as Azure Precept. (If you haven’t read my Part 1 post in this series, check that out. It will give more context to this post.)…

Microsoft Azure for SQL Server Professionals

Lift and shift is a utopia many IT professionals have about moving on-prem resources to the cloud. The truth is you must understand how the cloud works so you can adjust, design accordingly, and deliver to expectations. As SQL DBAs, you have options and can choose between IaaS or PaaS, between SQL in a VM…

Tech on Fire: Azure Container Registry and Container File Systems

Having your own container registry for container images ensures better control over security and quality. Azure Container Registry does this with a turn-key solution with a lot of value-added features. In this video, we’ll look at Azure Container Registry and how container file systems play into making registries work to save time and space.
Device In The Box

Project Santa Cruz Part 1: Unboxing and First Impressions

I started down the rabbit hole of AI a few years back when the idea of AI was coming to the forefront of computing rather than being relegated to a niche corner. I remember building my first AI models base on the MNIST dataset, which is often used as a benchmark for testing various classification…

Kubernetes, Dapr, and Azure Identity Example – Part II

Continuing from part I of our series, we will next step through building a simple, front end web application, deploying it to the Kubernetes cluster, then exposing it to the outside world via a Kubernetes Ingress. The source related to this post is contained in the building-frontend-app branch of the repo. Building a Web Front…