Moving to ASP.NET Core: Replacing HTML Helpers that have Dependencies

Moving to ASP.NET Core: Replacing HTML Helpers that have Dependencies The HTML Helper is born To make it easier to add content to a view, you can take advantage of something called an HTML Helper. You can use HTML Helpers to generate standard HTML elements such as textboxes, links, dropdown lists, and list boxes. They…

ASP.NET Core 3 with CosmosDB (Mongo) and Azure

In this webinar Eric Greene will demonstrate running a containerized ASP.NET Core 3 application on Azure using Cosmos DB (Mongo) to store data. You will learn the important aspects of using Mongo DB (Cosmos DB) with .NET Core 3 and hosting a ASP.NET Core 3 containerized web application on Azure.
.NET Core

Creating a Daemon with .NET Core (Part 2)

This little project is a practical implementation of a blog post I wrote about implementing daemons in .NET Core. This daemon is a .NET Core console app that is using a Generic Host to host an MQTT Server based on the code in MQTTNet, which has become my go-to library for MQTT for .NET apps…

Using Azure Active Directory to Add World-Class Security in Under an Hour

Thanks to all that made it out to the Azure in the ATL meetup last night and thanks to Microsoft and Agile Thought for sponsoring the event and to John Garland for leading the group.  Here are the slides from last night:  Using Azure Active Directory to Add World-Class Security in Under an Hour For…
.NET Core

Creating a Daemon with .NET Core (Part 1)

Daemons are as essential to servers as caffeine and pizza are to developers. The executables run as services on a server waiting to receive input usually from a network call, and respond to it by providing something back to the the user who called it.  .NET Core is the venerable cross-platform development stack for Linux,…

Machine Learning with C#: An Introduction to ML.NET

When you think of data science and machine learning two programming languages are going to instantly pop into your mind: Python and R. These two languages are great and I love working with them, but coming from a .NET and C# background myself it would be nice to see some love for data science in…

Interfacing .NET and Ethereum Blockchain Smart Contracts with Nethereum

.NET is the venerable framework that indie and enterprise developers alike have come to love. The ability to choose a variety of languages as well as deploy to a variety of platforms ranging from mobile to servers makes .NET a great choice for all kinds of applications. While .NET does a lot, it doesn’t do…

Concurrent Programming in .NET Webinar

The .NET platform has always provided a way to use multiple threads within an application. However, with the proliferation of multi-CPU architectures and highly scalable cloud computing resources, the ability to write high quality concurrent code is becoming a required skill. During this webinar, we will focus on the use of Tasks in conjunction with…

Getting Started with the New Acer Mixed Reality Headset

Introduction At Wintellect, we’ve been doing more and more work recently with Microsoft’s HoloLens device. But the HoloLens, at several thousand dollars, is an expensive proposition. Now Microsoft has broadened it’s strategy, rebranded it as “Windows Mixed Reality,” and has worked with hardware partners to come to market with an array of lower-priced headset options.…

Build, Test, and Deploy .NET Apps with Docker

I had the privilege of presenting at the Atlanta Code Camp this year on .NET and Docker. This talk covered some of the low level components that would be used to build out a DevOps pipeline for .NET apps in Docker — everything from building an app, testing and app, and pushing that app through…

ASP.NET Core Development with Docker

Using Docker to Create a Testing & Deployment Target for ASP.NET Core apps Did you like this webinar? Check out our ASP.NET Core with Docker live, 2-day virtual course. To perform the demonstrations as shown during the webinar, you must have the Docker tools installed for your platform (the Community Edition is fine). You can find…

Migrating Legacy ASP.NET apps to Docker

Many organizations, not wanting to rewrite applications, are figuring out how to take apps and containerize them for the cloud. Older operating systems are either end-of-life or approaching the end-of-life. Likewise, applications are increasingly being migrated to cloud hosts. The need to do this is as pressing as ever and containers offer a simple, viable…