Nextcloud on Azure

Nextcloud and Azure Blob Storage: A Match Made in the Cloud

Hosting your own File Sharing service like DropBox or OneDrive is not only possible, it’s actually not too hard. One of the most widely used products for doing just this is an app called Nextcloud. In short, Nextcloud is an open source web app written in PHP that acts as a front end for and…

Master Python’s Async Features

Python’s async and parallel programming support is highly underrated. In this webcast, we will introduce the entire spectrum of Python’s parallel APIs. Then we will focus in on the most promising, most useful, and modern feature of Python’s async capabilities: the async and await keywords. During the webcast, we will build a small application that…

Building Language Intelligent Apps with Microsoft’s LUIS

To aid in building applications that have better natural language understanding, Microsoft came out with LUIS or Language Understanding Intelligent Services. LUIS can be used for understanding speech for the Bot Framework, Bing Speech, or even with Cortana. In this post, we’ll learn how to create a LUIS app, apply basic LUIS concepts, and how…

Developing a Routine for Performing Data Analysis with Pandas Webinar

Although there is no universally accepted approach to beginning a data analysis effort, it is typically a good idea to develop a formal process for yourself when first examining a dataset. This routine can manifest itself as a dynamic checklist of tasks that evolves as your data exploration skills progress. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is…

Let’s Build Something with MongoDB & Python

MongoDB is the most wanted database technology of 2017. Python is the fastest-growing major programming language. These two tech titans combine in this webcast to build something useful and interesting. We’ll build a simple, data-driven application in Python based on MongoDB live throughout the event. Here is the link to Wintellect’s GitHub to find the…

Data Analysis in Python with Pandas Webinar

Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI are all trends dominating modern computing and revolve around one important thing – data. All that data needs, is to be cleaned, and transformed in specific ways, to take full advantage of the algorithms available. During this webinar, we’ll cover Pandas, one of the best libraries in Python to…

Data Analysis in Python with Pandas

During this webinar, we’ll cover Pandas, one of the best libraries in Python to clean, transform, and run a quick analysis on your data. We’ll also have a look at NumPy, a library that Pandas rely so heavily upon.

Visualizing Sales Data in Python with Matplotlib

In our last post we interpreted a data set with pandas to gain some insights from it. In this post, we will do the same, but instead of interpreting the raw data we will use visualizations to help us determine patterns in the data. But before we dive into the implementation, let’s review the benefits…

Turbocharge WordPress With Docker

If you’ve ever dealt with WordPress, you’ve probably noticed that it’s not the fastest software out of the box. This is not inherently a problem with WordPress, as it is a complex app that runs on a cross platform technology. Performance of WordPress though can be improved with the combined effects of several small tweaks.…

Using Pandas to Analyze Sales Data

Now that we know how the data science process works, let’s leverage some of it and try to find insights into some data. We’ll be using pandas, a popular data analysis package for Python, to load and work with our data. Feel free to follow along by downloading the Jupyter notebook. If you went through…

Data Science with R in Visual Studio

Like our previous post on Python, we will walk through all the really nice offerings Visual Studio gives us now when working with R and related tools. Since we looked at installing in the previous post, and the steps are the same, I will omit that from this post. We’ll just focus on all the…