5 Lessons Learned at the Strategic Architect Forum

I had the opportunity this past week to attend the first Microsoft Strategic Architect Forum.  The conference was held just outside of Microsoft’s Redmond headquarters and was hosted by Barry Briggs, former CTO of Microsoft IT and current Director of Architecture within Microsoft.  While the two days were packed with useful information and opportunities to…

5 Questions with Todd Anglin

Todd Anglin, VP of Product Strategy for Telerik, talks about the overrun of web frameworks, how to choose the right strategy for building mobile apps, and the impact of Visual Studio support for Cordova. As the EVP of Cross-Platform Tools & Services at Telerik, Todd Anglin is responsible for Telerik’s growing line of tools for…

Visualize Your Data With Microsoft’s New Free Power BI Service

Microsoft has announced a new Azure based service that provides data visualization and dashboards on multiple data sources. Microsoft touts their Power BI service as “a cloud-based business analytics service (software-as-a -service) for non-technical business users”.  The service allows users to drag and drop connections to multiple data sources both in the cloud and also…

What’s Your Favorite Windows 10 Feature?

So now that you’ve had the weekend with the latest bits after what was a fairly epic launch presentation, what are your first impressions?  Does Cortana work on a desktop?  Will Continuum bridge the divide between desktop and tablet experiences?  Or are we (all) just waiting for our HoloLens?  Let us know with today’s poll,…

Why You Should Be Writing ECMA Script 6 Now

If you are reading this article then you have probably at least heard of ECMA Script 6, the next version of JavaScript, and are curious about what it means for you or your organization. You might be wondering how ES6 is different, if it will affect your existing applications, or if it will affect your…

Understanding Trademarks for Software Developers

In this video excerpt from John Petersen’s new course Intellectual Property for Technologists: Trademarks, Patents, and Trade Secrets, learn what Trademarks are and how to protect them. Attorney and software expert John V. Petersen is back with another course on Intellectual Property for Technologists.  In this video he describes what a Trademark is, how the law…

Microsoft and GitHub Offer Students Free Development Tools and Resources

GitHub is now offering Visual Studio Community 2013 edition, Azure, Visual Studio Online, and Windows and SQL Developer accounts as part of its Developer Student Pack. GitHub’s Student Packs just got a new boost from the Visual Studio team with the inclusion of Visual Studio Community 2013, a full featured version of Visual Studio and…

Playing the Kevin Bacon Game with Cypher Queries in Neo4j

In this video excerpt from Brian C. Lanham’s new course “Getting Started with Graph Databases using Neo4J”, you’ll learn how to use the Cypher Query Language to find relationships between nodes by playing the Kevin Bacon game. Neo4j is an open-source graph database, implemented in Java that allows data to be stored in structured in graphs…

Know Your Software Rights

Get an introduction to Intellectual Property in this video excerpt from John V. Petersen’s course Intellectual Property Topics for Technologists, Part 1 In this video, attorney John V. Petersen explains the basic terminology for understanding Intellectual Property including Copyright, Trademark, Patent, and Trade Secrets.  He also covers the governing bodies for Intellectual Property Law and…

5 Questions with Kathleen Dollard

In this interview with Kathleen Dollard we dig into some of the new features of Visual Studio 2015, what’s coming up in the C# language, and the power of Roslyn and what it means for developers. Kathleen Dollard wants to teach you to code better. There’s more to learn about the tools you use every…

Get 2015 Started Off on the Right Foot

Get ready to put your best foot forward with these geek tips for starting the new year right. As 2014 draws to a close, we begin look ahead for what lies in store for the next year.  While most New Year’s resolutions seldom see February 1st, these tech tips can be implemented so fast you won’t…