5 Questions with Billy Hollis

We sit down with industry leader Billy Hollis to discuss the future of user interactions, the definition of code addiction, and why every developer should care about user experience. Billy Hollis is a software designer and developer with a contrarian streak that often challenges conventional wisdom in the industry. He has a consulting practice in…

5 Questions with N. Taylor Mullen

We sat down recently with N. Taylor Mullen, a winner of the Microsoft Imagine Cup for game development and current member of the ASP.NET team to talk about ASP.NET vNext. Shortly after placing 1st in Microsoft’s international Imagine Cup competition in 2012 (Game Design Phone) Taylor joined the ASP.NET team at Microsoft. On the ASP.NET…

The Doctor is Out: So Long Dr. Dobbs

After 38 years of publishing great content for software development, Dr. Dobb’s is turning its final page. For those of us who have been in the software industry long enough to remember a time before Google put code examples, good and terrible, at your fingertips, Dr. Dobb’s Journal was a source of knowledge like few others.  Started even…

Fighting For the Cloud: Why Microsoft’s Battle Matters

Microsoft is fighting a US based court order demanding access to email stored on its servers in Ireland and has garnered support from major cloud players including Apple, Amazon, AT&T, and many others.  The results of this fight could change the shape of cloud computing forever. In December of 2013, the US Government hit Microsoft…

Microsoft Acquires HockeyApp Mobile Platform

Microsoft has acquired HockyApp which provides  crash analytics and app distribution for developers building mobile apps on iOS, Android and Windows Phone.  The acquisition of Stuttgart Germany based HockyApp provides Microsoft with yet another developer tool for its ApplicationInsights service on Visual Studio Online.  HockyApp provides several key services for mobile developers building apps for Android, iOS,…

WintellectNOW is New And Improved

We’ve recently completed a significant user experience upgrade on our WintellectNOW online training site.  Here’s an overview of what’s new! The fantastic library of video training from the software industry’s best and brightest just got easier to use with the latest upgrade to the WintellectNOW site.  This upgrade centers around making our technical content easier to discover and…

.NET Open Source Explained

In a recently posted video on Channel 9, Microsoft’s Immo Landwerth and David Kean explain the reasoning behind making .NET Open Source. In this video, Dan Hernandez talks to Immo Landwerth and David Kean from the .NET Framework team to explain the thinking that went into the decision to open source the .NET Framework as…

New Report Sites Significant Security Vulnerabilities in Android Devices

Security firm TrendMicro has released a new report that states that 75% of users are vulnerable to multiple attacks. In their latest Quarterly Security Roundup, TrendLabs calls out several key vulnerabilities in recent Android OS including the FakeID issue and Android Browser flaws.  The FakeID vulnerability was originally discovered earlier this year by BlueBox Labs and…

Has Google Become Too Big?

The European Parliament has passed a new resolution calling for regulations on Internet search providers even recommending that search be separated from other online services. It seems that Google now finds itself in the crosshairs of the European Union in much the same way that Microsoft did in 2004.  While still dealing with privacy issues…

Microsoft Updates its “By The Numbers” Interactive Visuals

Microsoft has released its latest “By The Numbers” interactive visuals with some interesting new statistics Microsoft’s latest version of their “By The Numbers” Metro-style visual campaign shows some significant Azure adoption numbers as well as strong usage of their other online services such as Skype, OneDrive, and XBox Live.  Here are a few of the more…