AJAX Explained

I usually begin presentations on Atlas by saying “Atlas is Microsoft’s AJAX framework for ASP.NET.” That assumes everyone in the room knows what AJAX is. IBM’s Web site contains an excellent article describing the fundamentals of AJAX. It’s written for Java developers, but it cuts across language and platform boundaries and makes an excellent read for ASP.NET…

F4U and Atlas

I continue to be excited by the potential of Atlas. I’ve been doing talks on it at conferences and user groups and the buzz is unbelievable. It reminds me of the early days of XML when XML talks packed the house. This week I’m traveling to Atlanta to present Atlas to some big companies down there…

Cruise Blog (Finally!)

It’s finally online: my blog from Wintellect’s December 2004 .NET Nirvana Geek Cruise. I intended to post it several months ago, but then decided to wait for our new site to roll out. Then one thing led to another and…well, better late than never, as they say. Read all about the 60-foot wave that caused…

Warbirds Over the Summit

This weekend the Chattanooga Radio Control Club held its annual Warbirds Over the Summit meet, which brings warbird lovers from all over the Southeast together to fly models of WWII aircraft. The turnout was great, as was the weather once last week’s storms finally moved out of the area Saturday morning. I took my B-25…

Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Providers – Grab the Source!

I spent several weeks this winter documenting the internals of Microsoft’s ASP.NET 2.0 providers. You can view the results at http://msdn.microsoft.com/asp.net/downloads/providers/default.aspx?pull=/library/en-us/dnaspp/html/asp2prvdr01.asp. While you’re at it, you can also download the source code for many of Microsoft’s providers and get a look behind the scenes at how they work. (The published source isn’t perfectly identical to…

You Know You’re Addicted to Airplanes If…

Below is one of my favorite airplane pictures. It was taken by Wintellectual Mark Kovalcson a year or so ago as my AT-6 Texan climbed out after a beautiful take-off. Poetry! I’ve been fooling around this evening writing up a piece for the club’s newsletter. (The flying club, that is.) It’s titled “You Know You’re…

Devscovery, Atlas, VB, and Warhawks

Devscovery New York isn’t far away. I just purchased a plane ticket and put the finishing touches on a bunch of code samples. If you’re at the conference, be sure to attend my session on Microsoft Atlas. I have some rocking demos to show, and I now have a VB version of the samples for those…

Morning Chuckle

Need a quick laugh to start the day? Check out this little gem from Google Videos: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2899771876757809023 Look for enrollment to suddenly increase in journalism schools.


As you can see, our new Web site is finally live. It has been in the works for many months, and a lot of people put in a lot of time to make it happen. The look was designed by Kevin Goldman, an independent Web designer in Seattle who’s a favorite of ours and of…

Atlas Cometh

I’ve been away from the blog for a while because I’ve been immersing myself in Atlas, the code name for the forthcoming product from Microsoft that is, for lack of a better term, AJAX for ASP.NET. AJAX is the hottest thing going in Web programming these days, and it’s no surprise that Microsoft is working…

AMA Insider

I recently wrote an article for my local flying club’s newsletter and it got picked up by the national organization (the Academy of Model Aeronautics, or AMA). Titled “The Three Deadly Sins of RC Flying,” you can read it here: http://www.modelaircraft.org/insider/06_01/02.html I didn’t figure any of my computer buddies would see the article, but I’ve…

Yes, Santa, There is an East Virginia

True story from Sara Faatz, Wintellect’s director of marketing and communications, who recently moved from Virginia to Georgia: I went to UPS today to ship out some packages.  As part of UPS’s shipping regulations, they have to look at your drivers license (or government issued ID) and enter your name and state in the computer…