ASP.NET Talent Needed

We are busting at the seams with work and working crazy hours trying to meet demand. I’m looking for an ASP.NET person to hire on full-time at Wintellect and help me deal with all the training and consulting requests that are pouring in. Job duties would include, in the following order: 1) Delivering 3- and…

Stream Video to XBox 360?

I was disappointed to learn that my son’s XBox 360 can grab music and pictures from my Windows XP PC, but it can only stream video from a Windows Media Center Edition (MCE) PC. I downloaded and installed Windows Media Player 11 Beta 2 because the Microsoft Web site says it can stream video from…

Goodbye TiVo, Hello Moxi

I’ve been away from the blog for a while. In July I was heads-down on a super-intense consulting project, and in August I was on the road: New York City, Oregon, Redmond, and then South Bend, IN. I’m finally home for a short while and have a few cycles to spare (but only a few).…

The ASP.NET Follies

I’ve been wanting to write an article for some time now on the common mistakes that ASP.NET developers make. MSDN Magazine provided me with a forum, and the article, entitled Web App Follies, appears in the current issue. Check it out and make sure you’re not guilty of any of the foibles described in the…

Hiding the Root Node from SiteMapPath

ASP.NET developers often set SiteMapDataSource’s ShowStartingNode property to false to hide the root node from TreeView and Menu controls. Unfortunately, that doesn’t hide the root node from SiteMapPath controls, because SiteMapPaths bypass SiteMapDataSources and go directly to the site map provider. I’m working on a project right now that requires me to hide the root node…

eWeek Got It Right

A much better and more accurate account of the great discussions that took place at yesterday’s Atlas BOF appears on eWeek’s Web site:,1895,1976726,00.asp Check it out if you want the real scoop.

More on the Atlas BOF

MSFN (Microsoft Software Forum Network) has picked up the Atlas BOF story run by InfoWorld. In the BOF, we discussed the brilliance of the Atlas UpdatePanel as well as some of the challenges Microsoft faces in getting it to work in every conceivable scenario. InfoWorld highlighted the problems but balanced things out by mentioning that Microsoft…

InfoWorld Story Didn’t Capture the Spirit

Yesterday at TechEd I moderated a Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) session on Microsoft Atlas. It was standing room only and the atmosphere was electric. InfoWorld reporter Paul Krill attended the session and within hours had posted an article on what he saw and heard there. While the story wasn’t inaccurate, it failed, I believe, to capture the spirit…

Want to do a Good Deed? XBoxes for Heroes

If you’ve read this blog for a while, you may recall that last year I ran a little project sending goodies to troops in Iraq. I sent them an XBox, the XBox team at Microsoft kicked in a bunch of games, and readers of this blog contributed XBox games and videos. We made some soldiers…

Atlas BOF at TechEd

I’m flying home tomorrow after a couple of days of meetings at Microsoft headquarters in Redmond. On Saturday I leave for TechEd in Boston. There I’ll be doing a Sunday precon on ASP.NET 2.0 (with a little Atlas thrown in, too) and a couple of ASP.NET 2.0 breakout sessions during the week. On Wednesday at…

Warbirds, 25 or 6 to 4, and More

We enjoyed an awesome Memorial Day weekend in East Tennessee as a cool, rainy spring finally gave way to a hot, sultry summer. I have a new appreciation for Memorial Day since I’ve become so interested (obsessed?) with WWII aviation. The men who flew those beautiful Mustangs in Europe and Corsairs in the Pacific paid…

The Problem with TreeViews

I continue to receive e-mails from developers wondering how to fix an irritating problem with TreeView controls bound to site maps: namely, how to preserve the state of the TreeView as a user clicks around the site. The solution is documented in my latest Wicked Code column in MSDN Magazine. My solution involves recording the…