Role Permissions

Azure Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) As Fast As Possible

Role-based access control (RBAC) is the centerpiece of any robust, distributed system. The ability to use RBAC allows users to be decoupled from the systems that they use by assigning roles to an individual, then defining privileges based on roles rather than trying to assign people permissions directly. This allows systems administrators and security personnel…

Wintellect Has Earned Two Advanced Microsoft Specializations

As a globally recognized Microsoft Gold Partner, Wintellect is a small powerhouse, that leverages profound expertise to stay ahead in this everchanging technology landscape. Most recently, Wintellect has achieved two Advanced Specializations awarded by Microsoft to distinguish top partners beyond Gold competencies. These Advanced Specializations measure a partner’s ability to deliver highly specialized services in…

Understanding Azure Active Directory

Azure Active Directory is Microsoft’s answer to an all-in-one-identity and access management solution. It offers a number of features that allow you to managed identities from multiple sources then use those identities to provide access to your applications. In this webinar, you will learn about many of the features in Azure AD, and how and…

Using NFS with Azure Blob Storage

A Little History or Why NFS? File shares on computer networks are as old as the concept of a network itself. The idea of being able to access data across a wire by multiple machines was created not long after the first network was created. When the PC industry took off in the 1980’s file…

Restricting Azure App Service Access to Azure Front Door

Securing an Azure App Service is a common requirement. If you’re not familiar with Front Door, it combines a web application firewall (WAF), content distribution network (CDN), traffic manager, and routing rules into a single service. This makes it a perfect choice for protecting a web site. In using this, we want to ensure that…

Wintellect is now a GitHub Verified Partner

With the acquisition of GitHub in late 2018, Microsoft has demonstrated their investment in the developer community and a shift in the way they build software. GitHub provides a world-class platform and collaborative environment that shifts security as far left as possible. Therefore, the combination of two powerhouse companies has opened the door to a…

Tech on Fire: Azure App Service Advanced Tools a.k.a. Kudu

Azure Kudo is an advanced set of tools for working with Azure App Services and supplements the tools in the Azure Portal and Azure CLI. In this edition of Tech on Fire, learn how you can use Kudo to get access to the file system and run commands in the App Service context that’s running…

Tech on Fire: Azure App Service Deployment Center

Azure App Service Deployment Center can be used to create simple Continuous Deployment pipelines for apps running on Azure App Services. When combined with a Continuous Integration service like GitHub, full CI/CD pipelines can be built using only a few mouse clicks. In this video, you will learn how to set one up in just…

Fundamentals of Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that relies on deep neural networks. It is how computers identify objects in images, translate speech in real-time, generate artwork and music, and perform other tasks that would have been impossible just a few short years ago. Learn what neural networks are, how they work, and how…

Tech on Fire: Azure App Service Deployment Slots

Azure App Services have deployment slots that allow developers to publish an application into the slot then easily swap that app into production. In this episode, you will learn what they are and how to use them.