New England Code Camp 15 Presentation Materials

I have uploaded the content from my talks at yesterday’s (5/7/2011) New England Code Camp 15.  I had two talks – Introduction to Windows Phone 7 Development with Silverlight and Advanced Windows Phone 7 Development with Silverlight.  The content for my first talk can be found here, and the content for the second talk can…

Fix for Partially Broken Aero Peek

How did we ever use Windows before the taskbar Aero peek? Rolling your mouse across the taskbar and having the previews is an amazing productivity enhancement. On one of my machines aero peek was partially broken. Using ALT+TAB showed aero peek, but rolling the mouse across the taskbar no longer showed the thumbnail preview or…

A Fluent Backwards Design

Fluent interfaces make code easier to read, understand, and use. They can also provide a layer of separation and decoupling to make it easier to reuse components in a straightforward fashion. In this post I will walk through the scenario of creating a fluent interface with a “backwards design.” This means I’ll start with the…

LightTouch Enhancements–Popups and “Layered” Controls

While I am actively working on adding new functionality to the LightTouch library (such as adding the Pinch Gesture to bring parity with the GestureListener for Windows Phone from the Silverlight for Windows Phone Toolkit) for an upcoming release, a couple of issues came to light that made adding a new release appropriate.  As the…

Dynamic Types to Simplify Property Change Notification in Silverlight 4 and 5

The biggest problem with data-binding is the requirement to implement the INotifyPropertyChange interface. There are dozens of solutions out there that try to simplify the process with techniques ranging from parsing lambda expressions and walking the stack frame to using IL weaving to modify classes at compile time. The most popular approach is to derive…

Supporting Non-Supported Entities like IEnumerable in Sterling

While the Sterling NoSQL database supports many items out of the box, there are certain item types it just doesn’t know enough about. For example, consider a property defined as IEnumerable. Unlike a list, an enumerable is not bounded. It simply exposes an iterator, and for all we know, that iterator might be an enumerable…

Wildcard inclusions in C# project files

One of the projects I am working on as of late involves hosting a DLR language (IronPython) in a managed application. Our application has dual build targets – one for WPF and one for Silverlight, with nearly identical feature sets. When embedding IronPython in an application there are multiple things to consider from a packaging…

New Hampshire .Net (Seacoast) User Group Presentation Materials

I have uploaded the content from my Introduction to Windows Phone 7 Development with Silverlight talk at the New Hampshire .Net Seacoast User Group meeting last night in Portsmouth. The content can be found here, and includes: Presentation slides, which include the reference links I mentioned during the talk. The sample code, broken into 2…

Silverlight 5’s New and Improved Threading Architecture

Silverlight 5 boasts a wealth of sexy new features, including a full-blown, hardware-accelerated 3D graphics API, support for custom markup extensions, multiple-window support in trusted out-of-browser apps, and the ability to run trusted applications in the browser (with sufficient permissions, of course). Post-beta, even more features will be added, such as support for invoking native…

Silverlight 5’s New Style Data Binding

Another of the minor but potentially useful new features coming in Silverlight 5 – and already present in the Silverlight 5 beta – is style data binding. Simple put, style data binding allows you to use data-binding expressions to assign values to style setters. It may not sound that exciting, but among other things, it…

Silverlight 5’s New RichTextBoxOverflow Control

Silverlight 5 boasts a lot of big new features, but sometimes it’s the little things that count. A case in point is the new RichTextBoxOverflow control, which simplifies the process of implementing newspaper-style layouts in Silverlight applications. It may not be as sexy as the new 3D graphics API, but RichTextBoxOverflow will be your best…

New for Windows Phone (Now) – the Async CTP

As is often the case when big events happen, sometimes some important announcements can get overlooked and/or overshadowed.  Mix 2011 certainly featured big news, including Silverlight 5 Beta, the Windows Phone 7.5 features, IE10, and the latest in the MVC framework.  However, in all of the hoopla, the release of the SP1 refresh of the…