Data Analysis in Python with Pandas Webinar

Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI are all trends dominating modern computing and revolve around one important thing – data. All that data needs, is to be cleaned, and transformed in specific ways, to take full advantage of the algorithms available. During this webinar, we’ll cover Pandas, one of the best libraries in Python to…

Getting Started with VS App Center

There is no doubt that Microsoft’s VS App Center is an incredible resource for mobile application programmers.  The problem is that it seems hard to get started.  The good news is that once you get started, it turns out to be wicked easy! For this blog post, I’m going to assume that you are already…

Beginning Statistics for Data Science: Types of Data

Statistics is becoming a must learn topic for anyone looking to get into data science. Look at any data scientist job posting, and you will be hard-pressed to find a listing that does not mention a degree in statistics, mathematics, or some experience in analytics as a minimum qualification. Courses in data science are including…
Docker + Python

Containerize a Python App in 5 Minutes

Python for better or worse has found cemented itself as the lingua franca of data science. With its rise in popularity also comes how it is deployed. Simultaneously with the rise in Python has also been the rise in container deployments. Like Python, containers are being used in data science as well to run processes…
Node Docker

Containerize a Node App in 5 Minutes

Node and Docker are a match made in heaven because the strengths of Node play to the strengths of Docker. Node microservices typically are built on top of the Express web server which can be configured with “just enough” server and run an application. Additionally, the Node package manager, NPM, makes installing and running Node…

Creating Web Apps for Your Machine Learning Models with Dash

In the last post, we created APIs for our machine learning models so they could be deployed and clients could invoke them. However, what if you just wanted a simple web page that included interactive and attractive graphs? That’s where Dash comes to the rescue. Dash is similar to Shiny, a framework to build interactive…

DevOps News From Connect(); 2017

The Microsoft Connect(); 2017 online event is nearly over, and so far we’ve heard lots of exciting news from Microsoft about Azure and changes to improve their support for DevOps.  In fact, DevOps has been a big part of the theme this year. So let’s recap some of the announcements that have been made… Azure…

Using SSH with Visual Studio Team Services

In April 2016, Visual Studio Team Services introduced support for using SSH to connect to Git repositories. Over the summer of 2017, Microsoft made a number of improvements to reduce latency and improve performance for Git connections. These changes take advantage of Azure Traffic Manager to route the traffic over the Azure Global Network. According…

Creating a Machine Learning Web API with Flask

In our previous post, we went over how to create a simple linear regression model with scikit-learn and how to use it to make predictions. But, that’s not very useful for anyone other than the creator of the model since it’s only available on their machine. In this post, we’ll go over how to use…

Data Science for Developers Webinar

What exactly is data science?  How does one become a Data Scientist? Data Scientist has been labelled by the Harvard Business Review, as “the sexiest job of the 21st century.” A quick search of job search sites reveal that this field is in high demand. However, no one can agree on a common definition of…
swarm vs kubernetes

Why “Kubernetes vs. Swarm” is the Wrong Question

Kubernetes is getting a lot of attention these days. The container industry has coalesced around Kubernetes. And for this reason, many people are giving eulogies for Docker Swarm. While Kubernetes is incredibly popular, the dominance of Kubernetes does not imply the death of Swarm. These two systems do have overlap, but they approach a similar…

Looking for top Azure Architects and DevOps Gurus to join our team

Like to help companies build great DevOps practices? Passionate about the cloud and really good at thinking on your feet? Do you want to work with one of the world’s top Microsoft Gold Cloud and Gold DevOps Partners? If this seems exciting, and you want to be among the best of the best, working alongside…