Another Great CodeStock!

Once again, CodeStock was awesome and the CodeStock crew took care of everything and made it look easy!  All of the attendees that I had chance to speak with had nothing but good things to say.  Big thank you to the CodeStock sponsors, volunteers, organizers, speakers, and attendees!   I gave two presentations this year:  Intro…

NH .Net Code Camp 3 Presentation Materials

I have uploaded the content from my 2 talks at the NH .Net Code Camp 3 event from yesterday (6/4/2011).  The code and material for my first talk – Introduction to Windows Phone 7 Development with Silverlight – are available here. The code and material for my second talk -  What’s New in Windows Phone…

The Sterling NoSQL Database in a Mango World

I was at the MIX 2011 event. There was an “Open Source Fest” before the event and I came to showcase the Sterling NoSQL Database project that I run (and code most of, although there have been numerous enhancements and patches now added by a growing team of fantastic supporters). I was happy to speak…

CodeStock Presentation: Silverlight 5 for Line of Business Applications

A special thanks to everyone who attended my Silverlight 5 for Line of Business Applications talk at CodeStock 2011. It was a great crowd and I enjoyed meeting everyone. As promised, here are the links to the slide deck as well as the sample project that I used to demonstrate the new features that is…

Sharing code between Silverlight and WPF using Build Targets

It’s no secret that Silverlight and WPF share a lot in common, primarily a result of their shared CLR Framework heritage. I have noticed a considerable increase in the number of organizations that are building applications that target both platforms. And in particular I have seen a rise in the number of organizations that are…

Yet another way to attach ViewModels to Views

Throughout the short history of the MVVM design pattern, several methods have originated for populating Views with their ViewModels.  One of the most common methods is to use one of the frameworks (PRISM, MVVM Light, Jounce, among others).  Typically, the ViewModel is registered with an IOC container and retrieved when needed.   One of the more…

Using ICustomTypeProvider in Silverlight 5 to Display JSON Data

By now you’ve likely heard the buzz surrounding the release of the Silverlight 5 beta and some of the great new features. Developers have been waiting some time for a dynamic type that can participate in data-binding for Silverlight. Silverlight 5 introduces this ability, but not in the form of Expando objects or the dynamic…

New England Code Camp 15 Presentation Materials

I have uploaded the content from my talks at yesterday’s (5/7/2011) New England Code Camp 15.  I had two talks – Introduction to Windows Phone 7 Development with Silverlight and Advanced Windows Phone 7 Development with Silverlight.  The content for my first talk can be found here, and the content for the second talk can…

Fix for Partially Broken Aero Peek

How did we ever use Windows before the taskbar Aero peek? Rolling your mouse across the taskbar and having the previews is an amazing productivity enhancement. On one of my machines aero peek was partially broken. Using ALT+TAB showed aero peek, but rolling the mouse across the taskbar no longer showed the thumbnail preview or…