Quick Tip: Fixing those Stubborn References

I am working on a project that uses a mixed set of assemblies. Some are in the .NET Framework 3.5, and others are in version 4.0. The project is being converted to use the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF). In order for the parts to play nicely together, all projects must use the same version of…

DRONE Profiler: The New Old Profiler

Deep down inside every developer really wants to create developer tools. Let’s be honest, how many of you are really excited to the tips of your toes about that Line of Business application you’re working on? It pays the bills but working on a project where you completely understand the target audience and all use…

Moving further towards the Dark Side

I’ve been a proponent of dark coding environments for many moons, back to Turbo C++ and that blue.  In fact, my current Visual Studio template started way back in the first version of Visual Studio for .NET. I actually painstakingly hand-copied my colors from HomeSite. At the recent Atlanta Code Camp, I overheard someone ment…

Does That PDB File Match the Binary?

While you should always have your PDB files in symbol servers, there are times when you’re doing private (aka local) builds and moving those builds around hither and yon in a test environment where you can accidentally forget to copy over a binary’s PDB file. That leads to the common question: short of starting a…

Using the Task Parallel Library (TPL) for Events

The parallel tasks library was introduced with the .NET Framework 4.0 and is designed to simplify parallelism and concurrency. The API is very straightforward and usually involves passing in an Action to execute. Things get a little more interesting when you are dealing with asynchronous models such as events. While the TPL has explicit wrappers…

CT Code Camp 4 Presentation Materials

I have uploaded the content from my talk at the Connecticut .Net Developers’ Group Code Camp 4 from today (6/18/2011).  The code and content  from my “What’s New in Windows Phone 7.1 Silverlight Development” are available here. Many thanks to SB Chatterjee and his team for putting together the event.  Also thank you to the attendees…

Atlanta Code Camp is open for Registration

Atlanta Code Camp has finally been confirmed for this year and will take place on Saturday. June 25, 2011 at Southern Tech in Marietta, GA.  I’ll be reprising my CodeStock talks on Intro to MEF with Silverlight and Intro to Jounce MVVM Framework for Silverlight.  There are a lot of other really great sessions planned…

Finally on Twitter

Hey, I heard about this really interesting social media thing called Twitter. It lets you type quick posts in 140 characters to let people know what’s going on. It looks really interesting. Maybe you should check it out. OK, so I’m super late to the party but finally broke down and grabbed me a twitter…

Debugger Canvas Tricks and Wishes

Debugger UI’s haven’t changed much at all since I started doing Windows development way back in 1990. You have a call stack, memory, and locals windows that are using code older than many of you looking at them. I really love the idea of the new Debugger Canvas as a fresh and interesting way of…

Telerik, Windows Phone 7, Sterling, and Free Licenses

You’ve heard plenty about the Sterling database engine on this blog. I recently released version 1.5 which extended the reach of the database and added several feature requests. My article on Sterling for Isolated Storage on Windows Phone 7 was also recently published in MSDN Magazine. The phone has made this a very popular engine…

Links to resources involving Jeffrey Richter

Recently, I have been involved with some videos related to threading and Windows Azure which I’d like to share with you: I was the guest on an episode of AppFabric.TV released today! In this episode, I explain how asynchronous programming allows you to build scalable services. Watch the video here. I recently did a Windows…

Microsoft’s Silverlight Elevator Pitch

You have heard of an elevator pitch, right? It’s that quick, 30-second pitch that starts with a hook, goes on to the how, what and why and closes with a strong call to action. It’s the perfect way to quickly provide the value proposition for something you’re trying to sell, condensed into an easy, fast…