Amazon Releases New Developer Web Services

At the Amazon Web Services Summit in New York City last week, Amazon announced the availability of several new developer focused services.  These services include a hosted private Git repository service, a continuous deployment automation service, and a device testing farm service. Amazon API Gateway Amazon API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting…

Windows 10 Launch Is Coming? Will You Upgrade?

Microsoft’s upcoming Windows 10 Launch is turning into quite a party, literally.  On July 29th Microsoft is planning to celebrate the 5 million users who took part in the Windows Insider program by hosting special events in 13 cities including Sydney, Tokyo, Singapore, Beijing, New Delhi, Dubai, Nairobi, Berlin, Johannesburg, Mardrid, London, Sao Paolo, and…

Team Foundation Server 2015 Delayed, and It’s A Good Thing

As Microsoft pushes toward a major release cycle of not only their flagship OS but also developer tools, things inevitably go wrong.  Today, Brian Harry has announced that he is delaying the release of Team Foundation Server 2015 due to defects found during the upgrade process. I’ve been watching the bugs that have been coming…

Windows 10 Release To Manufacturing This Week?

Word on the street, and by street I mean Twitter, is that in order to enable manufacturers to have Windows 10 devices ready for the official July 29th launch, Microsoft has to wrap up their development by the end of this week.  Whether this means there will also be a RTW (Release to Web) for…

3 Microsoft Surface Pro Tips

Microsoft Surface may be the tablet that can replace your laptop, but it’s still a tablet.  As a result, there are some new buttons and interactions to work with to provide you with quick access to features of Windows 8.1+.  Here are three tips that you can use with your Surface that you might not…

Microsoft Announces Visual Studio 2015 Release On July 20th

Microsoft’s S. Somasegar announced that the next version of Visual Studio will be released on July 20th in his most recent blog post.  The launch event will be coordinated with web more than 60 videos to give developers some insights into all of the features available in what is shaping up to be a monumental…

Building an Office Add-in for Outlook with Twilio

Office is a platform that many people and enterprises, use every day.  Building on that platform gives developers immediate access to millions of potential customers.  In recent years Microsoft has made great strides to unify the programming model between their online products and their Windows based tools.  This post will show you how to leverage the Office…

Angular2 Databinding is Fast!

I’ve been working with the Angular2 alpha ever since ng-conf 2015, and it has been pretty awesome to see how the framework is shaping up. I’ll be the first to admit that the bleeding edge tax is high, but it has been worth it to see just how powerful the next version of Angular is…

Microsoft Announces Azure SQL Data Warehouse Public Preview

Microsoft has announced the Azure SQL Data Warehouse is open for business, at least for a lucky few customers.  The limited public preview is designed to for data warehouses in the 5-10TB range allowing Microsoft to test scalability and performance before taking on more heavy lifting. The initial public preview is designed for data warehouses…