At the Amazon Web Services Summit in New York City last week, Amazon announced the availability of several new developer focused services.  These services include a hosted private Git repository service, a continuous deployment automation service, and a device testing farm service.

Amazon API Gateway


Amazon API Gateway handles all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, authorization and access control, monitoring, and API version management.

Amazon API Gateway is a service that allows developers to create a managed wrapper for APIs.  The service includes the ability to create a REST API mapping to non REST interfaces.  You can also connect the API Gateway services to Amazon Lambda to host services on shared resources.

AWS Device Farm

ha_hero_device-farmThe AWS Device Farm is a testing service for FireOS and Android apps that will run either a set of built-in tests or you can customize the tests you want to run on multiple devices including Galaxy phones, LG phones, Galaxy Tablets, and dozens more.  These are not virtualized devices but the actual hardware from various manufacturers.

Unlike emulators, physical devices provide a more accurate understanding of how users interact with your app, by taking into account factors such as memory, CPU usage, location, and modifications done by manufactures and carriers to the firmware and software.

AWS CodePipeline



AWS Code Pipeline can connect to public and private Git repositories or be integrated with Jenkins builds to trigger a workflow for deployment that includes automated build and testing.  The workflow itself can be customized via a GUI to define custom test runs and deployment processes.

AWS CodeCommit

ha_hero_codecommitAWS CodeCommit is a hosted private Git service that is compatible with existing Git tools and command line interfaces.  AWS CodeCommit encrypts your files in transit and when stored on the server to provide IP protection.


For more information on the new Amazon Web Service features, go to the AWS site.