XBox in Iraq

I just received e-mail from a friend in the 278th. His unit just returned from an “outing” that had them out of the office for several days. He e-mailed me a picture of the soldiers enjoying their new XBox. Looks like they’re playing football on it. I guess Halo II loses some of its appeal…

Up for Air

Whew! I’ve come up for air after a busy last few weeks. I’m still on a high after spending spring break in Grand Cayman, where my family logged a total of 40 dives. My son did 16 dives, I did 13, my oldest daughter (and newest diver in the family) did 7 dives, and my…

Sad News

No sooner had I posted the previous entry about the XBox making it to the 278th than I read that their unit had suffered its first casualty in Iraq: They can probably use a little morale boost right now. Perhaps we helped out, if only in a small way.

Videos for Heroes

The 278th is still waiting for their XBox to arrive. It should arrive any day now. It seems packages take anywhere from two weeks to a month to make it to military personnel in Iraq. Today I sent another package containing the DVDs you sent me, along with a few videos of my own and some purchased…

Wireless Internet Access Comes to the Caymans

It’s spring break, and to make up for a vacation that I had to cancel last summer, my wife and I are in the Cayman Islands with the kids. We’re staying at a dive resort on the north coast of Grand Cayman. My son and I got in three good dives today. The first was on…

More on the Thrill of a Lifetime

The simulator that I flew in was manufactured by a company named CAE. I didn’t have my trusty digital camera with me (unfortunately), but CAE’s Web site has a picture of a simulator like the one I flew in as well as lots of other interesting stuff. I forgot to mention that as we took…

Thrill of a Lifetime

I had the thrill of a lifetime yesterday—literally. I had the opportunity to do something I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid. It was maybe the most exciting one hour of my life. I hardly even remember the 4-hour drive home. I was on Cloud 9 reliving the experience.   I was in…

As If I Didn’t Have Enough to Do Already

The B-25 that I’ve been waiting on for months finally arrived today. It’s a new ARF kit from KMP in Canada, and it’s a Christmas present from my wife. I need to buy a couple of engines for it, so I guess that’ll be my anniversary present to her. 🙂 Here’s a shot of my…

Update on Project 278

I received several responses from folks who wish to send DVDs and XBox games to the 278th in Iraq. Today I received a package from the Microsoft XBox team containing 10 brand new, shrink-wrapped games to include in the package that we send overseas. This little grass-roots project has already succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. Kudos…

Want to Do a Good Deed?

One of my good friends is in Iraq right now. He’s a member of the Tennessee Army National Guard’s 278th Armored Cavalry Regiment, which was deployed to Iraq late last year and will be there for at least one year. Through him, I learned about two members of the 278th who have no family back home…

Good News About XslTransform

Microsoft says that the performance of XslTransform in beta 1 is NOT indicative of its final performance and that performance will be greatly improved in beta 2. They also intend to do additional perf-testing and tuning post-beta 2. Their goal is to deliver MSXML.dll-like performance in the shipping version of XslTransform. The really good news…

Why is XslTransform So Slow?

Jeffrey and I finished our work in Paris today and are looking forward to heading home bright and early tomorrow morning. As we bid au revoir to France, we’re left with a burning question: why is the .NET Framework’s XslTransform class so slow? It’s no secret to anyone who has used XslTransform that XslTransform.Transform is…