Asynchronous ASP.NET Programming

In recent months, I’ve taught a number of classes and conference sessions on what I consider to be one of the most important–and under-documented–topics in ASP.NET: asynchronous programming. It is THE secret to building highly scalable ASP.NET Web sites, and yet I rarely encounter developers who are knowledgeable about ASP.NET’s asynchronous programming models. If you have no…

Drag-Drop in ASP.NET AJAX

One of the most interesting characteristics of ASP.NET AJAX is that the client half (the Microsoft AJAX Library) is full of features not exposed by the server half (the ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions). A case in point is drag-drop. The DragOverlayExtender control in the ASP.NET AJAX Futures CTP makes it extremely easy to convert static HTML…

Microsoft Publishes Source Code for ASP.NET AJAX

Yep, it’s true. Have you ever wondered how UpdatePanel works its magic? Find out from the source code. You can download an MSI containing the source code here. It even comes with debugging symbols in case you want to step from your own code into ASP.NET AJAX. How cool is that?    

Changes in ASP.NET AJAX RTM Release

I’ve spent a lot of time this week updating ASP.NET AJAX code samples from RC to RTM. I discovered some changes that aren’t documented in the migration guide. One of them in particular cost me several hours of work. First, as the migration guide notes, the AutoCompleteExtender control was moved from the CTP (preview) bits…


In case you didn’t know, ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 just went live on the ASP.NET AJAX Web site. It has finally RTMed!

Working Offline with TFS

(Note: The following may work with Visual SourceSafe or other version control systems, but I only tested with TFS.) (Note 2: Some kind folks indicated I might have sounded more shrill than I probably meant so I’ve edited this post. Sorry for any offense. There’s a reason I need editors!) Now that I’ve finished my…

ASP.NET AJAX Beta 2 Gotcha

I was porting samples from ASP.NET AJAX Beta 1 to Beta 2 today and ran into a problem that I suspect others will run into, too. A custom script file that loaded fine in Beta 1 wouldn’t load in Beta 2. Turns out that Beta 2 adds a new requirement to custom script files for…

ASP.NET Talent Needed

We are busting at the seams with work and working crazy hours trying to meet demand. I’m looking for an ASP.NET person to hire on full-time at Wintellect and help me deal with all the training and consulting requests that are pouring in. Job duties would include, in the following order: 1) Delivering 3- and…

XslCompiledTransform Performance

I’ve been meaning to write some benchmark code to compare the performance of .NET 2.0’s new XslCompiledTransform class and 1.1’s deprecated XslTransform. I finally got around to it this morning, and the results were a little disappointing. In my tests, which used a fairly simple style sheet, XslCompiledTransform ran about 3 times faster than XslTransform.…

SqlCacheDependency Hell

I just emerged from SqlCacheDependency hell–actually, SQL Server 2005 hell. I thought I’d document the problem (and the solution) so others won’t have to waste as much time as I did. First, I’ve been using SqlCacheDependency with great success since early betas of ASP.NET 2.0 and SQL Server 2005. I marveled at how little work…

ASP.NET 2.0, SQL Server 2005, and SQL Cache Dependencies

If you used ASP.NET 2.0 SQL cache dependencies in early betas of the product with SQL Server 2005, you may be surprised when your code breaks on newer builds. You now have to call System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency.Start before using SQL cache dependencies. A good place to do it is in Application_Start. There’s a helpful document on MSDN…

.NET Questions regarding JIT compiler/strong-naming security

A reader of my books asked me some .NET Questions regarding JIT compiler/strong-naming security. I thought I’d share his questions and my answers with you: 1.    According to Microsoft documentation the Just In-Time Compiler takes the following attributes of the machine into account when producing the executable code.  Define how these factors alter the output. …