Debugging and Performance Tech Focus

Wintellect is so much more than just me posting a random blog entry every once in a while. This year our big marketing focus is to offer unique and interesting content for developers. To that end we’ve set up our Tech Focus which you can sign up for here. This gets you special articles each…

Asynchronous Controllers in ASP.NET MVC 2

I’ve been working with version 2 of Microsoft’s ASP.NET MVC framework and have found a lot to like about it, particularly the new support for client-side validation based on data annotations. But the feature that excites me the most is support for asynchronous controllers and controller methods. Asynchronous pages have always been the secret to…

How To Get Diagnostic Data From Services Running In The Windows Azure Cloud

Each instance of Windows Azure Service Role runs its own monitor to gather its own instance specific diagnostic data. The problem that immediately presents itself is knowing what exactly is being collected, where the data is being saved, and how to retrieve it for inspection. The purpose of this blog post is to illuminate these…

Top 10 Silverlight Myths and the Facts to Bust Them

Silverlight is a client side plug-in based technology that has been in production since late 2007. I’ve been a web developer for well over a decade now, and recently have focused almost exclusively on Silverlight since version 3.0 was released. It astounds me how many people still resist Silverlight because they either don’t understand what…

Windows Phone 7 Series (Formerly called Windows Mobile 7)

There has been a lot of buzz around Microsoft’s latest mobile phone operating system. I hope to be involved with this product as much as possible and will blog the detals that I can as they are made available. While the buzz has referred to this as “Windows Mobile 7” the platform has been officially…

Introduction to Debugging Silverlight Applications with WinDbg

I’ve had a few users ask me about finding memory leaks and understanding what happens with references in Silverlight. One very powerful tool to use when debugging Silverlight applications is the Windows Debugging Tools. You can download the 32-bit (x86) version side-by-side with the 64-bit (x64) version. Both WPF and Silverlight ship with an extension…

Silverlight MEF: Custom ExportProvider for Attached XAML Exports

I’ve been enjoying learning more about the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and exploring various ways to integrate it with applications. After toying with MEF on Silverlight for awhile, I began to wonder about using it to export/import UI pieces or even define data elements in XAML. After a tweet to @gblock confirmed there was not…

WiX Projects vs. TFS 2010 Team Build

As I mentioned before, I’m in the process of moving my life over to TFS 2010 Beta 2. I’m using the excellent WiX 3.5 Beta that plugs into Visual Studio 2010 to create my setup and I had a developer build working like a dream. Things got a little more exciting when I created my…

ASP.Net Dynamic Data (LINQ) Tips and Tricks

Dynamic data is a technology that enables RAD (rapid application development) for data-driven applications. What is a data-driven application, or rather, when does it make sense to use ASP.NET Dynamic Data? Any type of CRUD (create/read/update/delete) application is a prime candidate for dynamic-driven applications. In fact, if you are building an internal site simply to…

TFS 2010 Build Number and Assembly File Versions: Completely In Sync with Only MSBuild 4.0

Edit: 09/11/2011: This entry still describes how the build numbers work, but I’ve updated the files and shown how to incorporate these changes into .CSPROJ and .VCXPROJ files, Read the follow on blog entries, and  Obviously, based on all the web links out there, keeping your TFS 2008 build number and your assembly…

Migrating Polling Duplex Binding Element from Silverlight v2.0 to v3.0 for WCF Services In The Cloud Code Samples

When running the WCF / Windows Azure samples (see my previous blog entry) you may get an error indicating that the Polling Duplex Binding Element cannot be loaded if you have Silverlight v3.0 installed (The type ‘System.ServiceModel.Configuration.PollingDuplexElement, System.ServiceModel.PollingDuplex’ registered for extension ‘pollingDuplex’ could not be loaded). Replace the reference in the WcfSamples project from the…