Evaluate Your Models with Cross Validation in ML.NET

Let’s say you’ve been working on a machine learning model and your initial evaluation on test data looks good but is that the same kind of performance you’ll get once you deploy your model to take on actual data it hasn’t seen before? This can happen if your model has overfitted to your data. We…

Save and Read Models in ML.NET

Often times you’ll be iterating on your model to try to get it to perform well with new data, so you’ll be training on it for each of those iterations. However, once you feel like you have a model that you believe is good to use, what do you do next? In this post, we’ll…

Machine Learning with C#: An Introduction to ML.NET

When you think of data science and machine learning two programming languages are going to instantly pop into your mind: Python and R. These two languages are great and I love working with them, but coming from a .NET and C# background myself it would be nice to see some love for data science in…