Visual Studio Code Goes Open Source and more from Microsoft Connect() 2015

Microsoft is holding it’s 2015 Connect() virtual conference today which was kicked off by a lengthy keynote from Scott Guthrie.  In the keynote there were several new announcements including a sneak peek into Visual Studio 2015 Update 1, new features in Visual Studio Code, and a new model for getting Microsoft developer tools.  Here’s an…

WintellectPowerShell Now on the PowerShell Gallery

Getting and installing modules is easier than ever with the PowerShell Gallery and PowerShellGet. Instead of downloading and extracting files into your PowerShell modules directory, a simple call to Install-Module takes care of everything for you. Today I’ve published my WintellectPowerShell module. Now you can install and get started setting up Visual Studio to access…

Claim Up To $15,000 In CoreCLR and ASP.NET 5 Bug Bounty!

Now you can join the ranks of Boba Fett and Dog the Bounty Hunter!  Microsoft is taking the stability of their open source CoreCLR and ASP.NET 5 stacks to the people by offering up cash rewards for developers who can find, and prove, defects in the CoreCLR or ASP.NET 5.  Not every bug is created…

Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 CTP Released

Last week amid all the hardware releases, Microsoft also released a CTP of the next update for Visual Studio 2015.  This release includes support for Edit and Continue in C++ Windows Store projects, the C# Interactive debugging window, and a pull request hub in the Team Explorer window. Team Explorer now features a new Pull…

Turn off the Attach Security Warning Dialog in Visual Studio

How many clicks has this dialog eaten out of your life? The idea for the warning is good because, you know, SECURITY. However, if you’re developing web apps or anything running in IIS, this gets old by the thousandth time you click the Attach button. It’s easy to turn off with an undocumented registry key.…

Free 1.5 Hour Video: Writing Roslyn Analyzers and Code Fixes

My deep abiding love of Roslyn continues! I just published a new video Writing Roslyn Analyzers and Code Fixes up at WintellectNOW: My goal was to take you from zero knowledge of Roslyn to writing a real world analyzer and code fix in 1.5 hours. This video covers everything from using the Syntax Visualizer…

Analyzing Control Flow with Roslyn

The other day my co-worker Jeffrey Richter and I were discussing my latest infatuation, Roslyn analyzers. As we bounced around a few ideas one came to the forefront; every catch block should throw. This is not a hard and fast rule, but eating an exception, especially accidentally, has caused more bugs in .NET than we…

Learn Roslyn at the Microsoft MVP Virtual Conference

Mark your calendars for May 14-15, 2015 for the free 2015 Microsoft MVP Virtual Conference. This is a Microsoft sponsored conference where Microsoft Valuable Professionals (MVPs) will be presenting five different tracks for world wide consumption: IT Pro, Developer, Consumer, LATAM (Spanish), and Brazil (Portuguese). Obviously, I’ll be in the Developer track, but I’m really…

More Wintellect.Analyzers and Some Lessons Learned Writing Roslyn Analyzers

Over the last few months I have been having a wonderful time developing Roslyn analyzers and code fixes. You can find all the Wintellect.Analyzers code at Wintellect’s GitHub page. If you would like to include these analyzers in your own Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6 project, install the NuGet package by executing the following in…