Coroutines for Asynchronous Sequential Workflows using Reactive Extensions (Rx)

I’ve been doing quite a bit with Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Silverlight lately. One idea that I keep exploring is the concept of creative intuitive sequential workflows for asynchronous operations. You can read about my explorations using Wintellect’s own Power Threading Library in this post along with a simple solution using an interface and enumerators…

The Art of Debugging

Mastery of the art of debugging is rare. I know this from years of experience working on enterprise systems. If it was simple, more people would be doing it and everyone would be able to track down bugs. The reality is that most shops have that one “go to person” known as “The Exterminator” who…

Fundamentals of the Managed Extensibility Framework

I’ve been building enterprise applications for more than a decade now, and have specialized in Silverlight line of business applications for the past several years. The term “enterprise” seems to inspire images of complex, large, difficult-to-maintain software systems but a well-written system doesn’t have to suffer from the extra complexity. One question I receive over…


I have to admit that I may have rolled my eyes a bit when I first learned about the KnockoutJS library. It sounded too much like forcing a square peg into a round hole. Isn’t Model-View-Controller (MVC) already it’s own pattern? Does it make sense to apply something like Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) to HTML? I already…

Get Your SharePoint Training from Wintellect

Did you know that SharePoint was Microsoft’s fastest growing $1 billion business ever? Well, you probably knew something like that because you’re probably doing SharePoint development. We’re real ly happy at Wintellect that we are now offering world class SharePoint training that covers both people new to SharePoint to those that want to take SharePoint…

Announcing Wintellect’s Power Live Framework Library

Since late 2008, I have been spending a lot of time focusing on Microsoft’s Live Framework and Mesh technologies. Towards this end, I have produced a Power Live Framework library that simplifies coding against the Live Framework. And, I have also put together some sample applications that leverage my library. Furthermore, I have set up…

Microsoft and Wintellect Present – Azure Deep Dive with Jeffrey Richter

I am doing a FREE full-day seminar on programming for Windows Azure in 4 cities in mid-May 2011. The New York event will be broadcast live over the internet. To register for an in-person event, please see To register for the live streaming event, please see

Wintellect Azure Contest for XBOX 360 Kinect Bundle

Wintellect is conducting a contest where you could win an XBOX 360 Kinect Bundle. THis contest requires minimal effort from you. To register, all you have to do is signup up for a free Windows Azure pass and deploy a service that is provided for you. You do not need to install anything on your…

Asynchronous Commands in Windows Store Apps

The Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern is more popular than ever and is built into the Visual Studio templates for creating Windows Store apps. Developers familiar with Silverlight already encountered the platform shift to using asynchronous operations because it was impossible to generate a WCF client with synchronous methods. The Windows Runtime (WinRT) takes this further…

AngularJS/MVC Cookbook Simple Binding

My previous post described the back-end configuration for my “People” domain model (people, addresses, etc.) Let’s look at how this data is used within the web application using an MVC web API controller along with an AngularJS web service call and simple data binding. The Web API I created a very simple ApiController class, called…