AngularJS/MVC Cookbook CRUD Operations

Let’s look at some fundamentals of a typical web application that performs CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations. For this, the CRUD Operations project was added to the AngularJS/MVC Cookbook. I needed some test data, so I borrowed a few records from SQL Server’s AdventureWorks example database. This query gave me an XML document…

AngularJS/MVC Cookbook Running Unit Tests

Running Javascript unit tests is a little bit different than testing other code. In an NUnit test, for example, the system under test and the engine running the test share the same .NET runtime which allows for easy instantiation of the tests as well as collecting test results. In a Javascript test, however, the test…

AngularJS/MVC Cookbook Unit Testing

I’ve updated the Simple Routing example in the AngularJS/MVC Cookbook with unit tests. Unit tests are meant to test a piece of an application independently from any dependencies it might have. AngularJS provides a dependency injection framework that allows (and encourages) unit testing pieces of a web application. For this application, I am using Jasmine…

Review of the Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13 for Development

After several months of comparing various Windows 8 devices to replace my old 1.5” thick 6-lb. Dell laptop, I finally settled on the Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 13. My requirements are fairly straightforward: I want 8GB of RAM and a minimum of 256GB SSD, I have to have a touch display and the resolution needs to…

Surface Pro and Visual Studio Part Two: The Puppies and Unicorns Return!

Turns out there’s a TrackPad Settings application! Huge thanks to Sumit Maitra for mentioning its existence on my last blog post. There was nothing in the documentation or on Microsoft’s web site that this application existed, which is a huge mistake. Instead of spending several frustrating hours and writing a blog post about that frustration,…

AngularJS/MVC Cookbook Simple Routing

In a classic ASP.NET MVC application, stepping between parts of the application usually requires a trip to the web server to refresh the entire contents of the page. However, in a Single Page Application (SPA), only elements within the page are updated giving the user a better, more responsive experience. A SPA implementation may still…

Batch Updating/Changing Visual Studio Projects with PowerShell

Working on a giant codebase recently, I needed to check if all C# projects had Code Analysis turned on for all configurations. Given there were easily 30 to 40 different .CSPROJ files I was so not looking forward to manually going through them all one at a time in Visual Studio to check. The .CSPROJ…

Find File and Directory Names FAST

For some reason, I always seem to be looking for file and directory names. Since desktop search is a GUI and I’m a command line kind of guy, I got tired of waiting on PowerShell to slowly grind through the file system on its single thread. With lots of cores and an SSD, I shouldn’t…

Referencing the Windows Runtime from Desktop Apps

Most people think of the Windows Runtime as being synonymous with the formerly-known-as “Metro” applications, now called Windows Store apps. To add to the confusion, of course, is the fact that the ARM-based version of the Windows OS is branded as Windows RT. Programmers, being lazy, like our abbreviations so the runtime has been adopted…

One Month with the Acer W510 and Should You Buy One?

Edit Feb 1, 2013: Install the Acer 2..04 Master Installer update release on Jan 30, 2013 and the “limited connect from wake” issue has been fixed. Having been living with the W510 hard for the last month, I thought I’d give my final thoughts in case anyone was looking at getting one. As I’ve written…