Stop fighting Node.js in the enterprise

In 1995 there were around 40 million people on the internet, but by 2011 there were almost 4.5 billion. The average computer has gotten so ridiculously fast that my phone has more processing power than the server that hosted my first website. Internet connections have improved so much that buying a physical copy of any…

A Behavior Change in Visual Studio 2013 .NET Breakpoints

One of my favorite tricks is to use Visual Studio breakpoints to call a method to force state changes when testing code. There’s just some times where calling a method at a breakpoint is the fastest way to create a test. To call a method at a breakpoint, set a regular location breakpoint, right click…

Five Reasons ASP.NET Developers Should Care About Node.js

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (or perhaps in a van down by the river) you may have noticed that Node.js is kind of a big deal. Since its introduction in late 2009, Node has steadily grown in popularity and now occupies prime real estate as a (if not the) de facto choice of…

Cookbook for ASP.NET MVC and Angular.js Web Apps

As I’ve spent time with AngularJS, I’ve become very impressed with the clarity it brings to developing enterprise-level web applications. I thought it would also be valuable to create a GitHub repository with some examples of how one might integrate AngularJS with ASP.NET MVC. Thus, the Angular-MVC-Cookbook repository was born. I hope that I (and…

Displaying Multiple .NET Objects with WinDBG’s Command Language

While we are getting some nice tools from Microsoft for analyzing our memory, there’s still a lot of gaps where you have to resort to WinDBG and SOS. A perfect example that I’ve run into is looking at variables/types that are in different app domains because the Visual Studio debugging environment has essentially zero support…

Become a Development Wizard and Win an XBox One!

For the past decade Wintellect has been helping developers like you improve what you do by sharing how we do it with our enterprise customers. We’re not just trainers, but hands on consultants who have spent combined centuries of experience in the trenches shoulder to shoulder with teams to create next generation software using the…

How Many Secrets do .NET PDB Files Really Contain?

Now that Devscovery is over, it’s time to get back to answering questions about one of my favorite subjects: PDB files! Yes, I lead an extremely exciting life if PDB files set my heart racing. Maybe they have a pill for that. In my blog post on PDBs and remote debugging Patrick asked an interesting…

Correctly Creating Native C++ Release Build PDBs

In my ongoing discussion of PDB files and debugging, Sa Li had a great question: Should the final release native program also generate the pdb files before being published? If switching on the pdb in link setting, what kind of info would be added into the .exe executable file? I found our program grows a…

Do PDB Files Affect Performance?

After a detour into Historical Debugging, it’s time to come back to return to answering questions about PDB files. Here’s a question from Justin: Thanks for the great post once again. I was looking forward to your debugging virtual training, but unfortunately it was cancelled. The company I work for is pushing pack against building…

Keeping Specific PDB Files from Loading in the Debugger

As I’ve discussed, PDB files are wondrous bundles of binary joy. However, loading missing PDB files can quickly become an angst-ridden teenager as you wait what seems like forever on a network timeout for missing symbols. This is especially apparent in Tom’s question: For nearly two years I’ve been searching the Internet for an answer…

PDB Files: What Every Developer Must Know

Thanks for visiting one of the most popular pieces I’ve ever written! Based on questions I’ve written a few follow up articles you might find useful to extend your PDB knowledge after reading this one. Keeping Specific PDB Files from Loading in the Debugger Do PDB Files Affect Performance? Correctly Creating Native C++ Release Build…

UX: Disruptive user experiences are industry game changers

I am sure that most of you, if not all, have heard about the notion of a disruptive technology or product. The basic idea of a technology or product being disruptive is that someone comes up with an innovation that transforms a market by making something that everyone accepts to be difficult, expensive, complicated and…