An Introduction to Cross-Platform, Cross-Browser WinJs

In case you missed the big announcement, Microsoft has open sourced their Windows Library for JavaScript, otherwise known as WinJS. Many of you may not have noticed this because, like me, you assumed WinJS was just a shim for accessing the Windows Runtime from JavaScript. If this blog were one year older, that would be…

Enterprise Typescript

This past Thursday I had the pleasure of presenting for the Linked In .NET Users Group. The topic was TypeScript. My goal was to show how well TypeScript works to solve common problems in the enterprise to tackle it from the perspective of Return on Investment and how it scales teams, improves productivity, increases quality…

Here Come the .NET Containers

So I was watching Twitter this morning in anticipation of interesting news from TechEd 2014. TechEd isn’t traditionally known as the place where Microsoft drops a lot of big, bold announcements so I wasn’t expecting too much. But then I saw Scott Hanselman post this little nugget: Devs of #msteched: Everything changes in 90min. Join…

Securing Node.js Applications With OAuth2 and Azure

I’m a big fan of both node.js for building web-enabled servers and of Windows Microsoft Azure for hosting them… and the combination of the two is pretty compelling, if not necessarily widespread (yet ). I recently dug into the gory details of authenticating node applications against Azure Active Directory, and thought I’d walk through how…

Special WintellectNOW Pricing for Customers in India

Today is an exciting day for WintellectNOW and our customers in India.  At the Great Indian Developer Summit in Bangalore, we unveiled our introductory regional pricing.    We recognize that economics vary based on countries and regions. We believe all developers will benefit from our in-depth technical library and want to make it as accessible…

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) Explained

The purpose of this post is to provide an introduction to the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) pattern. While I’ve participated in lots of discussions online about MVVM, it occurred to me that beginners who are learning the pattern have very little to go on and a lot of conflicting resources to wade through in order to try…

10 Reasons Web Developers Should Learn AngularJS

There is no doubt that AngularJS – the self-proclaimed “superheroic JavaScript framework” – is gaining traction. I’ll refer to it frequently as just “Angular” in this post. I’ve had the privilege on working on an enterprise web application with a large team (almost 10 developers, soon growing to over 20) using Angular for over half…

Under the Hood with Windows Universal Projects

One of the main themes coming out of the keynotes and content at this year’s //Build 2014 conference was the continued convergence of the Windows Store and Windows Phone development platforms.  One exciting result of the fact that both these platforms now target very similar Windows Runtimes (WinRT and WinPRT, respectively) is the support for…

The Great Indian Developer Summit, Day 1

Today was a great day at the Great Indian Developer Summit at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) in Bangalore.  The excitement about WintellectNOW in India is intoxicating. Developers were thrilled to hear of our India pricing and were equally excited by the 14-day trial each attendee received just for being at the show.  …

Showing the Onscreen Keyboard in Silverlight OOB Applications

Update – 4/10/2014  Wow!  Quite a lot has happened since I originally posted this.  Certainly one of the biggest changes is the diminished role that Silverlight now plays in both enterprise and consumer applications.  However, I’ve noticed that this particular blog post is still getting some attention, so I figured I’d try to provide some…

Initializing the Microsoft Azure SDK 2.3 Storage Emulator

Last night I worked my way through some dev tool updates and happened to install both SQL Server 2014 and the new Azure SDK 2.3. I prefer to host the databases for the storage emulator in my primary SQL Server instance instead of the default LocalDB, and had grown accustomed to running the command-line DSInit.exe…

Windows Server 2012 Essentials Client Restore vs. Microsoft Surface Pro

In this corner we have a Microsoft Surface Pro that needs to have a full client restore. In that corner we have Microsoft’s own Windows Server 2012 Essentials that contains said full client backup. Let’s get ready to rumble! ™ (I hope I don’t owe Michael Buffer money for using his trademark. He’s made over…