Vote to Treat TFS as an Enterprise Symbol Server

Ed Blankenship has a brilliant idea to make symbol servers even easier to use. He wants TFS itself to serve up the symbols instead of requiring you to create the file share and fight with the network admins to get it backed up. Ed’s got a wonderful proposal on his blog about how the feature…

Windows 8: The Facts about ARM, Metro, and the Blue Stack

Many eyes will be focused on Barcelona on February 29, 2012 when Microsoft releases the Windows 8 Consumer Preview or what many are calling the beta version of the new platform. You’ve probably heard quite a bit about the Metro interface. It has design roots in Zune, Windows Media Center, and Windows Phone. It presents…

Debugger Canvas 1.1 is Released

There’s a lot of UI research going on focused around better debugging. Debugger Canvas is some that you can use today and the version 1.1 was just released. The speed increased in 1.1 are great and make Debugger Canvas much more usable. I’m in love with the toggle button where you can flip between Debugger…

We Are Hiring!

Business is good and we need YOU! Wintellect is currently seeking senior level technical development resources for both contract and permanent employment for our current client projects. If you want the challenge of keeping up with co-workers like Jeffrey Richter, Jeff Prosise, Keith Rome, or Jeremy Likness, have we got the opportunity of a lifetime.…

Wintellect is Hiring!!

Business is good and we need YOU! Wintellect is currently seeking senior level technical development resources for both contract and permanent employment for our current client projects. If you want the challenge of keeping up with co-workers like Jeffrey Richter, Jeff Prosise, Keith Rome, or Jeremy Likness, have we got the opportunity of a lifetime.…

Video: Getting Started with Jounce MVVM and MEF for Silverlight 5

I created a quick video to help you get started with using Jounce. The video starts with a blank slate, steps through installation of Jounce and the creation of a sample view model for a simple contact record that includes validation. You can access the video directly at, or view it below: Jounce: Getting…

Jounce 2.0 MVVM with MEF for Silverlight 5 Released

I’m pleased to announce the official release of Jounce 2.0 for Silverlight 5. There are quite a number of new features available that I’ll review in this post. Most significantly, of course, the code base has been updated specifically to target Silverlight 5. A number of bug fixes, feature requests, and Silverlight 5 features have…

Paraffin 3.6–Now Keeping Custom Added Namespaces

Paraffin 3.6 can be downloaded here: Dan Gough had an excellent feature request to have Paraffin copy over any manually added namespaces to the .WXS file like the following. Previously, Paraffin ignored them, but no more. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Wix xmlns:util=""      xmlns=""> I updated Paraffin to copy over any namespaces added to the Wix…

Visual Studio 2010 Extensions Recommendations

The other day I was asked which extensions for Visual Studio I use so in an effort to save keystrokes, I thought I’d list them here so I can refer people to this list. There’s no way this is a comprehensive list and I do add and remove extensions all the time. However, these are…

Setting the Power Plan with PowerShell

Edit: Make sure to read the comments from Shay Levy and Richard on clarifying my mistaken assumptions about how things work in PowerShell. Thanks to Richard & Shay for the clarifications! As I’m a command line kind of guy, I look for every opportunity to stay in a PowerShell window at all times. “Why grab…

CRUD it’s now CQRS … or is it?

In 1983 author James Martin published a book called Managing the Data-Base Environment. It’s interesting the term database is hyphenated in the title; it hadn’t quite settled down as a mainstream term yet. I have not read this book myself, but my understanding is that he presented the concept of the “CRUD Matrix” for engineering…