A Quick Look at F# In Visual Studio Code

It’s F# Advent time again! This is a yearly event the F# community comes together for the month of December and each person releases an F# related post on a day of their choosing. Today is that day for me this year. With the recent announcement at Microsoft’s Connect() conference, Visual Studio Code now has…

WintellectPowerShell Now on the PowerShell Gallery

Getting and installing modules is easier than ever with the PowerShell Gallery and PowerShellGet. Instead of downloading and extracting files into your PowerShell modules directory, a simple call to Install-Module takes care of everything for you. Today I’ve published my WintellectPowerShell module. Now you can install and get started setting up Visual Studio to access…

First Impressions of the Xamarin Inspector

One of the pain points of using Xamarin Forms is that, just to see updates of any UI updates via XAML, you still need to save your changes, recompile, and relaunch the application. What’s more, is that you’d have to do this on each platform you’re targeting to make sure the UI looks good on…

Automating Xamarin Builds with FAKE – Part 1: Introduction and Setup

Being a .NET developer, I’m sure one of your pain points throughout the development process in any project has been trying to setup automated building, testing, and even deploying. However, build tools have been evolving much like other development tools and have been getting much, much better. I’m sure most of you have heard of…

Implementing Sharing in Xamarin Forms

One thing you may want to do within your Xamarin application is to allow users to share items that your application may capture, such as photos. While this isn’t quite trivial in Xamarin Forms as it’s different for both iOS and Android, this isn’t too hard to implement with the power of renderers. We’re going…

Creating a Secondary (bottom) iOS Toolbar in Xamarin Forms

Xamarin Forms is a really great platform for mobile app development – we have used it on several apps now and had much better results than when trying to use the native SDK’s directly. Every now and then though you run up against a roadblock with the default renderer implementations where some feature (perhaps a…

Unit Testing Your Xamarin Forms Applications with F# and FsUnit

One of the best and easiest ways to use F# in your projects is to use it for unit testing and the same can be said for your mobile applications with Xamarin. While C# has FluentAssertions as well as Should (I prefer the syntax of FluentAssertions between the two) F# has FsUnit to give more…

Understanding Native Image Sizing in Xamarin Forms Apps

This post is about probably my least favorite part of mobile app development – figuring out and assembling all of the various images needed to build an application and publish it into the stores. Each platform has its own requirements for this, and often you will need to provide multiple resolution versions within each platform…

Fixing MacBook Pro Windows 10 In Place Upgrade Issues

On my production machine, my Apple MacBook Pro, I did an in place upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. I ran into a couple of bumps and got them figured out so I thought I’d post this for others seeing the same problems. That way when combined with the power of Greyskull (AKA internet…