
How To Do Data Binding in Pure JavaScript

Data binding for modern applications is about as fundamental as addition is to mathematics. To write any major application without it would seem absurd. An related to data binding is one of the most fundamental architectural patterns that has birth dozens of progeny, the Model-View-Controller pattern. I wanted to write this post not as an…

Using the Cognitive Services Text Analytics API: Sentiment Analysis

In our previous post, we feed Twitter data to the Text Analytics API which was able to detect the language of each tweet. We will expand upon our previous work and continue to use the API and our Twitter data to determine the sentiment of each tweet. By analyzing the sentiment of each tweet, we’re…

Building Language Intelligent Apps with Microsoft’s LUIS

To aid in building applications that have better natural language understanding, Microsoft came out with LUIS or Language Understanding Intelligent Services. LUIS can be used for understanding speech for the Bot Framework, Bing Speech, or even with Cortana. In this post, we’ll learn how to create a LUIS app, apply basic LUIS concepts, and how…

Chip Off The Ol’ Blockchain: What is a Blockchain? Part 1

Blockchain – just the word seems to stir up confusion.  Because there is so much confusion surrounding blockchain, it’s often hard to get clarity about what it really is and how it works. Blockchain is not that complicated, rather it’s remarkably simple. And moreover it has the potential to fundamentally change the way that businesses…

Pre-processing Text Data with NLTK and Azure Machine Learning

Data comes in all forms. Lately, we’ve been going over mostly numerical and categorical data. Even though the categorical data contains words, we transform it into numerical data for our algorithms. However, what if your data is only words? That’s where natural language processing comes in, and in this post, we’ll go over the basics…

Using the Cognitive Services Text Analytics API: Detecting Languages

Microsoft has a lot of fascinating APIs available to build intelligent applications with using their Cognitive Services. Among those services is the Text Analytics API. This API offers a wide range of valuable text-based functionality such as sentiment analysis and key phrase extraction. With these useful APIs available, what could be a better means of…

Using FontAwesome 5 in Xamarin Forms

There are several examples of using custom fonts in your Xamarin floating around the internet.  But like time, technology marches on and some recent changes have made it a bit more difficult so I thought I’d take a few minutes to show you how to integrate the latest FontAwesome fonts into Xamarin Forms 2.5. FontAwesome…

Developing a Routine for Performing Data Analysis with Pandas Webinar

Although there is no universally accepted approach to beginning a data analysis effort, it is typically a good idea to develop a formal process for yourself when first examining a dataset. This routine can manifest itself as a dynamic checklist of tasks that evolves as your data exploration skills progress. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is…

Implement a CAPTCHA with Azure Functions

CAPTCHA’s are those things that site administrators love because they stop comment and form spam but user hate because they are impossible to read. Regardless though, they have become a mainstay in Internet usage, particularly on websites that allow for unauthenticated feedback. CAPTCHA’s are intended to prevent automated responses from computers by generating a test that…

Host a Website with Azure Functions and Node.JS, Part 1

Azure Functions are Microsoft’s answer to “serverless” computing. Functions enable applications developers to write event-driven code (ie. “functions”) than can be triggered by timers, manual integration, HTTP requests, service buses, message queues and many other integration points. These functions can be written in a number of different languages including C#, NodeJS (which this example uses),…

Getting Started with Kubernetes Webinar

In this intro to Kubernetes webinar, we’ll give you a primer on Kubernetes and show you how to get started using Kubernetes for container orchestration. We’ll talk about the pieces of Kubernetes, show you how they work together, and finally show you how you can get your containers running on Kubernetes locally and in a…