New England Visual Basic Professionals Presentation Materials

I have uploaded the content from my Introduction to Windows Phone 7 Development with Silverlight talk at the New England Visual Basic Professionals meeting in Waltham on December 2. There content can be found here, and includes: Presentation slides, which include the reference and event links I mentioned during the talk. The sample code, broken…

Quick Tip: Right-click VS 2010 Command and Admin Command Prompt

It seems that I’ve become very familiar with this command: xsd /c /l:cs schema.xml If you’re not familiar with it, this allows you to parse a schema into a strongly typed class, which then allows you to deserialize an XML document to that type. Pretty nifty, but it requires being in a “Visual Studio 2010…

From Silver to Gold in One Release: Silverlight 5

Silverlight 5 is coming! According to the keynote from Scott Guthrie, it will be here in beta by Spring 2011 and in release by end of year 2011. Today’s Silverlight Firestarter event included a keynote speech by Scott Guthrie, announcing the features that are slated for the next release. Because I went into great detail…

Silverlight and WCF Service Consumption: Event vs. APM

I’ve blogged several times about how I like to handle services in Silverlight. For two key posts, take a look at: Abstracting Service Calls in Silverlight 3 (works well for 4, too) Simplifying Asynchronous Calls in Silverlight using Action In this post we’ll explore the difference between using the actual contract for a WCF service…

Window Clippings 3 Released

One of my most used utilities, Window Clippings, has a brand new version! Kenny Kerr has added all sorts of wonderful screen capture goodness to Windows Clippings 3 that allows you to take that perfect snapshot of what’s on your screen. There are gobs of new features from being able to capture elevated windows, to…

Code Signing Certificates – The Three Year Update

A little short of three years ago, I wrote a blog entry, “Code Signing – It’s Cheaper and Easier than you Thought.” In there I talked about buying my three year certificate from TUCOW’s author web site (who’s a reseller of Comodo certificates) for $195 USD and how to integrate code signing into your build.…

New England Silverlight Guild Presentation Materials

I have uploaded the content from my Introduction to Windows Phone 7 Development with Silverlight talk at the New England Silverlight Guild meeting in Connecticut on November 16.  There content can be found here, and includes: · Presentation slides, which include the reference and event links I mentioned during the talk. · The sample code,…

Jounce Part 7: Validation and Save/Confirm/Cancel Operations

Line of business applications are full of what we call “CRUD” screens for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. Jounce addresses common concerns that are found in these types of transactions: Is Dirty and Commit It is common to check the status of a record and only apply changes when changes actually exist. Once a user…

Maine Bytes User Group Presentation Materials

I have uploaded the content from my Introduction to Windows Phone 7 Development with Silverlight talk at the Maine Bytes User Group meeting on November 11.  The content can be found here, and includes: Presentation slides, which include the reference and event links I mentioned during the talk The sample code.  Because the demos were…

10 Years and Free Training

Has it really been ten years since Jeff Prosise, Jeffrey Richter, Lewis Frazer, and I started Wintellect? No way! It really is true that when you’re having fun, time flies. When we started we had no idea we’d survive the Dot Com Crash, the Housing Bubble, and now the Great Recession. At the beginning we…

Jounce Part 6: Visual States and Multiple Views per ViewModel

I knocked out quite a few items for the next release of Jounce, the primary being explicit support for multiple views bound to the same view model. In the previous version, the visual state binding would only reflect the most recent view (and a bug prevented the actual binding of the view model, but that’s…

Silverlight Data Template Selector using Managed Extensibility Framework

Sometimes it makes sense to have multiple types of views contained within a list or region. In WPF, a data template selector can help determine which template is used based on the data template, allowing a container to mix different types. It’s not so straightforward with Silverlight because the DataTemplateSelector class does not exist. There…