Jounce Part 5: Navigation Framework

One common request I get is how Jounce can work with the Navigation Framework. My first reply is always, “Why do you want to use that?” As you can see in previous posts, the Jounce navigation works perfectly fine with region management to manage your needs. If you want the user to be able to…

Silverlight and HTML5: Microsoft’s Official Stance

This weekend was a wild ride with speculation about the future of Silverlight and whether or not Microsoft was abandoning it. It produced a lot of misinformation as anti-Silverlight zealots proclaimed its official demise with a smattering of “I told you so” thrown in. My blog post on the topic where I detailed just why…

So What’s the Fuss about Silverlight?

Perception is said to be reality and there has been a lot of speculation recently about where Silverlight is going and what Microsoft’s position is. One of the reasons for this is the emphasis on HTML5 at the recent PDC conference. Unfortunately, that has led to talk and fear about the “doom and demise” of…

Jounce Part 4: Region Management

Now that we’ve explored the concept of Jounce navigation, the next logical step is to examine region management. This concept was introduced by the Prism framework and is very powerful and functional for both WPF and Silverlight applications. Region management deals with a few moving pieces. A region is simply an area of the display…

Jounce Part 3: Basic Navigation

Navigation is always an interesting topic and something I often see people struggle with in Silverlight applications. I am not a fan of navigation methods that force you to change the way your views behave, which is why I am not a fan of the navigation framework that is built into Silverlight (you suddenly have…

Jounce Part 2: Getting Started (Tagging and Binding)

In this second installment about the Jounce framework, I’ll share how to get started with Jounce and wire your first view bound to a view model. The Jounce project is available online at Jounce injects itself as a service to the application. In my opinion, using IApplicationService is the right way to handle start…

Don’t Miss the December Silverlight Firestarter Event!

It seems like ages ago when I was trying to decide how to take a mobile device management application to the next level. The product provided a very rich and detailed web-based interface that was designed to look and feel like a native desktop application. Needless to say, the development team had to become experts…

Jounce Part 1: Why?

Over the next few weeks I will be publishing a series of posts explaining the open source Jounce project that I just released. Jounce provides guidance for building modular Silverlight applications using the Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM). Origins I have been building enterprise Silverlight applications since late in the version 2.0 cycle.…

New England Code Camp 14 Presentation Materials

I have uploaded the content from my two talks at the New England Code Camp – Introduction to Windows Phone 7 Development with Silverlight and Advanced Windows Phone 7 Development with Silverlight.  The content can be found here and here (Slideshare links here and here.)  The uploaded content includes: ·         Presentation slides, which include the…

Hello, Windows Phone

I have managed to acquire a preproduction version of the new Windows phone manufactured by LG, and have been given permission to write about it (most of it, anyway). In coming weeks, I’ll be blogging about the phone and providing key insights for developers looking to build apps for it with Silverlight. I’ll start with…

Performance is Never Loosely Coupled

Yes, yes, oh god, yes! All “When Harry Met Sally” references aside, one of the most important performance statements you will ever read in your development life is expressed below from Rico Mariani. We see this anti pattern constantly in our consulting and debugging business here at Wintellect. Please, please, please read his blog entry…

Logical Call Context: Flowing Data across Threads, AppDomains, and Processes

Many developers are familiar with Thread Local Storage (TLS) as a mechanism allowing you to associate a piece of data with a thread. I usually discourage people from using TLS because I recommend architecting applications to perform their operations using thread pool threads. TLS doesn’t work with the thread pool because different thread pool threads…