Proceed with Caution – Windows Phone 8 App Lifecycle Events vs Async Methods

“We are on the path to Windows and Windows Phone Convergence” (//Build 2012 – How to Leverage your Code Across WP8 and Win8, Slide 6) I often hear people saying the phrase “Windows 8 Phone” when they are talking/asking about “Windows Phone 8”.  Throughout presentations that I’ve given and other discussions I’ve had over the…

In Seattle/Olympia/Portland? Want to learn how to maximize IntelliTrace?

On May 9th, I’ll be speaking at the South Sound .NET User Group in Olympia, WA on all about IntelliTrace. See location and signup info here. IntelliTrace is the first real Windows debugging technology since the hair band days of the 1980’s. This session will be PowerPoint free and nothing but demos and questions on…

Proximity Networking (NFC) in WinRT

I’ve spent a lot of time this spring learning about Near Field Communication (NFC) and the NFC networking API in WinRT. That part of WinRT is present both in Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8, which means it’s relatively easy to get tablets and phones talking to each peer-to-peer. One of the things I love…

Reflection Shader for Silverlight 3

I’ve become enamored with Silverlight behaviors lately because they provide a clean and easy-to-use mechanism for encapsulating complex behavioral logic and applying it to XAML elements. And I’m equally enamored with Silverlight pixel shaders, which allow similar encapsulation of complex visual effects implemented using Microsoft’s High-Level Shader Language, better known as HLSL. Last spring, I blogged about a technique…

Silverlight 4 is Here!

Silverlight 4 shipped this week, and you can download it along with all the tools you need to develop for it from the Silverlight Web site. Silverlight 4 represents a milestone of sorts in that it adds the features you need to build line-of-business (LOB) apps that run inside or outside the browser. Among the…

Silverlight for Windows Phone Programming Tip #1

I’m spending the bulk of my time these days writing applications for Windows phones using Silverlight for Windows Phone (and having a blast doing it, I might add). As I write, I think of lots of little tips that can save time, reduce aggravation, and help all of us build better applications. So I thought…

Silverlight for Windows Phone Programming Tip #4

Here’s a quick one that’ll save you a lot of time and trouble if you’re not already aware of it. One of the coolest features of Visual Studio is that you can launch a debug run of a phone application on a phone rather than in the emulator. Since the emulator can’t emulate everything, sometimes…

Silverlight 3’s New Element Data Binding

One of the improvements you can look forward to in Silverlight 3 is element data binding, also known as element-to-element data binding. Silverlight 2’s {Binding} expression allowed you to specify the name of the property you were binding to, but not the element that owned the property. This typically meant you had to write a…

Building Windows Store Apps in HTML5 for Your Surface RT

My, what an interesting autumn it has been. Windows 8 has shipped, the Windows Phone 8 SDK has been made available to the public, Windows Phone 8 devices are just a few days away, and Surface RT – the new tablet from Microsoft – has landed in the hands of users world-wide. There has never…

Advanced Silverlight Applications using the Managed Extensibility Framework

This week I had the pleasure of attending my first CodeStock event in Knoxville, TN. Let me start by saying it was an amazing event. I give many thanks to the attendees, for keeping it a strong and thriving community, the sponsors (including my company, Wintellect), the speakers, and of course the organizers. You can…

Coroutines for Asynchronous Sequential Workflows using Reactive Extensions (Rx)

I’ve been doing quite a bit with Reactive Extensions (Rx) for Silverlight lately. One idea that I keep exploring is the concept of creative intuitive sequential workflows for asynchronous operations. You can read about my explorations using Wintellect’s own Power Threading Library in this post along with a simple solution using an interface and enumerators…

The Art of Debugging

Mastery of the art of debugging is rare. I know this from years of experience working on enterprise systems. If it was simple, more people would be doing it and everyone would be able to track down bugs. The reality is that most shops have that one “go to person” known as “The Exterminator” who…