Productivity Power Tools Used to Fix Itself (@tasks rocks)

The Productivity Power Tools extension is one of those must haves in Visual Studio, especially if you are showing Visual Studio as a presenter. Typing PresentOn in the Quick Launch (CTRL+Q) box makes the IDE font, menu items, and dialog text bigger so everything in the IDE is easier to see. My life is good…

New in Visual Studio 2013–Windows Azure Mobile Services Integration

As part of the build-up to the official launch of Visual Studio 2013 on Wednesday 11/13, Microsoft has been running a series of guest blog posts, authored by members of the Microsoft MVP community.  I was fortunate enough to have been selected to be one of the authors for the series, and my post was…

Throttling Input in AngularJs Applications using UnderscoreJs Debounce

There are numerous scenarios to throttle input so that you aren’t reevaluating your filters every time they change. The more appropriate term is “debounce” because essentially you are waiting for the input to settle before you invoke a function, so you stop bouncing to the server. The canonical case would be a user entering input…

Synergy between Services and Directives in AngularJS

You’ve probably heard it a thousand times now. “AngularJS teaches HTML new tricks.” The way it does that is through directives. In my last related post I covered how to build a testable filter. Directives can be tested in a similar fashion, but what happens when they have to interact with the rest of your…

Fixing Outlook Hangs

Wintellect’s most important client, my wife, comes to me and says that her Outlook desktop application is all messed up. It hasn’t connected and downloaded emails in over five hours. She’s rebooted the computer and done basic Outlook trouble shooting that she found on the web but Outlook never connects to her Exchange server. Considering…

Testable Filters with TypeScript, AngularJS and Jasmine

The T6502 Emulator displays a set of registers to indicate the status of the program counter (where in memory the CPU is looking for the next set of instructions), the values of registers (temporary storage in the CPU) and a special register called the “processor status.” The processor status packs a lot of information into…

Handling Windows 8 Orientations in Windows 8.1

Windows 8.1 eliminates the concept of a “snapped” or “filled” view and allows apps to run at a variety of sizes. The minimum default size is set to 500 pixels wide, but this can be overridden for legacy apps or apps designed specifically for the narrower resolution. The changes can make migration difficult, however. If…

Commodore 64 Meets AngularJS and TypeScript

In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been spending a lot of time working with a combination of technologies that I believe make it easier and more efficient for large development teams to build enterprise web applications. TypeScript gives JavaScript some discipline and AngularJS brings XAML-like declarations to HTML. Although I’ve been using this power-packed duo…

Adding Intelligence to the IntelliSense for Windows Azure Mobile Services

Some of the members of the Visual Studio Windows Azure Tools & Mobile Services teams recently published instructions for “Enabling IntelliSense for Mobile Services JavaScript in Visual Studio.”  Since working with the Windows Azure Mobile Services (WAMS) server-side JavaScript files can be a little bit of a blind experience – debugging happens primarily through strategic…

What’s New for Developers in Windows 8.1

Microsoft recently released the Windows 8.1 Preview, providing developers everywhere with a first glimpse at what they need to do to prepare for the next release of the operating system. 8.1 may sound like an incremental release, but the next version of Windows is packed with features enabling developers to create better, faster, richer Windows…