Visual Studio 2010 Updates Now in Windows Update!

On a mailing list I’m on Ed Blankenship pointed out that VS updates are now coming through Windows Update. Finally! Hopefully Microsoft will keep pushing these updates for all products they ship because it’s something of a pain to keep a development box up to date.

More on TFS 2010 Build Numbers Inside Your Projects

The other day I wrote about how to incorporate build numbers into your .CSPROJ and .VCXPROJ files. In doing some more testing I found in some edge cases where the way I was getting the current build number by including Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.targets could interfere with the TFS Build. That’s not good so I fixed the problem…

Windows 7 Hang with FireWire 800 Drive Fix

Recently I bought a smoking fast external SSD enclosures from Other World Computing. My plan was to use the FireWire 800 connection to the drive so I can get the best portable speed possible. Alas, on all my machines as soon as I tried to do anything on the drive, Windows 7 hangs completely. That’s…

Who’s Got Their Hands on My .NET Objects?

Everything in .NET revolves around memory. As in who in the heck is holding on to all my objects so memory usage just keeps going up and up and up. In conjunction with the Linked In .NET Users Group, on Friday, July 22, 2011 at 10:00 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern, I’ll be doing a demo…

DRONE Profiler: The New Old Profiler

Deep down inside every developer really wants to create developer tools. Let’s be honest, how many of you are really excited to the tips of your toes about that Line of Business application you’re working on? It pays the bills but working on a project where you completely understand the target audience and all use…

Does That PDB File Match the Binary?

While you should always have your PDB files in symbol servers, there are times when you’re doing private (aka local) builds and moving those builds around hither and yon in a test environment where you can accidentally forget to copy over a binary’s PDB file. That leads to the common question: short of starting a…

Finally on Twitter

Hey, I heard about this really interesting social media thing called Twitter. It lets you type quick posts in 140 characters to let people know what’s going on. It looks really interesting. Maybe you should check it out. OK, so I’m super late to the party but finally broke down and grabbed me a twitter…

Debugger Canvas Tricks and Wishes

Debugger UI’s haven’t changed much at all since I started doing Windows development way back in 1990. You have a call stack, memory, and locals windows that are using code older than many of you looking at them. I really love the idea of the new Debugger Canvas as a fresh and interesting way of…

Fix for Partially Broken Aero Peek

How did we ever use Windows before the taskbar Aero peek? Rolling your mouse across the taskbar and having the previews is an amazing productivity enhancement. On one of my machines aero peek was partially broken. Using ALT+TAB showed aero peek, but rolling the mouse across the taskbar no longer showed the thumbnail preview or…

Web Application Installer in WiX

If all you need to do is install your web application into Default Web Site, life is easy. Especially since Windows Installer XML (WiX) has all that support right in the box. Where things get nasty is if you need an installer that lets the user choose the web site, set the web application name,…