Last One, I Promise (Maybe)

And then there’s this video of two R/C planes colliding in mid-air, set to the tune of Pat Benetar’s “Invincible.”

Tomcat Alert

These R/C jet guys are serious. If you don’t believe it, check out this video of a scale-model F-14 Tomcat being put through its paces in France. Drool drool.

Provocative Reading

I’m reading a terrific book right now: The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel. It lays out a compelling and very scientific case that mankind–indeed, the universe as a whole–is the product of thoughtful design rather than happenstance. It brings in evidence from astronomy, physics, biochemistry, and other areas of science. It doesn’t try to…

Fly Time

I put the finishing touches on Lab 2 late yesterday afternoon and then decided to take a brain break. I went flying with a friend who had a brand electric new plane he wanted to try out. It flew beautifully, and I took an electric plane of my own: Great Planes’ twin-engine DC-3. I had…

Check Out This Video

As an R/C airplane enthusiast, I sometimes hang out in the discussion forums at One of the things you’ll find there is crash videos. Check out this video of guys toasting their expensive gas-turbine R/C jets. Hurts just to watch…

What? Me Burned Out?

Whew! I’ve completed a draft of the slides and demos that go with my ASP.NET 2.0 course, and I just put the finishing touches on the first of nine labs and turned it over to my reviewers. I’m exhausted, but now’s no time to think about burn-out because there’s lots of work left to do–and…

Here’s an Idea for You…

Will somebody please write a tool that dumps a SQL script that not only creates a SQL Server database, but recreates its content as well? I spent hours yesterday writing a similar tool, but it works with one specific database, not ANY database. It’s a pain in the neck writing a SQL script that initializes…

A New Villain on the Web

John Robbins and I were chatting the other day and agreed that it’s not just spammers and virus writers that are threatening to render e-mail unusable these days: it’s also the network admins who configure mail servers to send bounce-back messages informing senders that their e-mail was rejected. Don’t these folks know that viruses and spammers use…


There it is, folks: Jeffrey Richter’s SECOND BLOG ENTRY EVER!

The Amazing Race Begins

I’m stoked because tonight is the premiere of Amazing Race 5. I like reality TV because it’s mindless, and I need something mindless after working all day. Amazing Race is fun because of all the cool places they visit. Richter doesn’t know it, but I sent an application with his name on it to CBS…

Rush 2112

I didn’t know Jeffrey was such a Rush fan. One of my favorite albums of all time is Rush 2112. I still have a vinyl copy of it I bought in high school. It’s one of the few albums or CDs that I like every song on. Another is Michelle Branch’s The Spirit Room. Rush’s drummer…

Whidbey Beta

I received the RTM bits for the upcoming Whidbey beta yesterday and installed them last night. This morning I installed the documentation. Save for a glitch that required me to modify the docs’ Setup.ini file, the install went smoothly. The build process that Microsoft uses to produce Whidbey drops is very complicated. The doc folks…