Using the F# Interactive

Another item that was on the F# Infographic was the use of the F# Interactive or also called the FSI. The interactive window is basically a REPL for F#. A few languages have these of their own, including Python and Ruby. If you’ve used the Interm...

Jeffrey Richter, Wintellect, and Windows Azure

I love computing technologies. I’ve been programming since 1975 and experimenting with various languages (Basic, Pascal, COBOL, FORTRAN, RPG, APL, C, C++, C#, a little Python) and platforms (mostly DOS, Windows, .NET Framework and Android). During these years, I’ve consulted, published books, published magazine articles, and produced classes to help others work with these some…

Microsoft’s Silverlight Elevator Pitch

You have heard of an elevator pitch, right? It’s that quick, 30-second pitch that starts with a hook, goes on to the how, what and why and closes with a strong call to action. It’s the perfect way to quickly provide the value proposition for something you’re trying to sell, condensed into an easy, fast…

Wildcard inclusions in C# project files

One of the projects I am working on as of late involves hosting a DLR language (IronPython) in a managed application. Our application has dual build targets – one for WPF and one for Silverlight, with nearly identical feature sets. When embedding IronPython in an application there are multiple things to consider from a packaging…

Top 10 Silverlight Myths and the Facts to Bust Them

Silverlight is a client side plug-in based technology that has been in production since late 2007. I’ve been a web developer for well over a decade now, and recently have focused almost exclusively on Silverlight since version 3.0 was released. It astounds me how many people still resist Silverlight because they either don’t understand what…