Host a Website with Azure Functions and Node.JS, Part 1

Azure Functions are Microsoft’s answer to “serverless” computing. Functions enable applications developers to write event-driven code (ie. “functions”) than can be triggered by timers, manual integration, HTTP requests, service buses, message queues and many other integration points. These functions can be written in a number of different languages including C#, NodeJS (which this example uses),…

Building on App Center

In my previous (and first) blog post on App Center I talked about getting started, adding the SDK to your code, and looking at Analytics and Crash reporting.  In this post I’d like to discuss building your app on App Center; which allows you to distribute your app to Beta testers and others. There are…

Choosing Between Containers and Serverless

Choosing the right tool for the job is not always as easy as it seems. Sometimes, there is more than one tool for doing something, and such is the case for cloud-based applications. In my last “Choosing between” post, I looked out how to choose between containers and virtual machines, and here the same tension…

Handling “Open File – Security Warning”

It seems like a simple enough task. Use an Azure File share to store an executable and use a PowerShell script to execute the application on a new virtual machines. In practice, however, you might find that the executable is quietly failing to run. Running the executable on the server manually, the problem becomes apparent…

Getting Started with VS App Center

There is no doubt that Microsoft’s VS App Center is an incredible resource for mobile application programmers.  The problem is that it seems hard to get started.  The good news is that once you get started, it turns out to be wicked easy! For this blog post, I’m going to assume that you are already…

Survey of Containers on Azure

In this webinar, we’ll survey the container offerings on Microsoft Azure, and demo a few of the options. Learn more about Wintellect’s Azure consulting or Azure training.

Creating First-Run ARM Templates

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates are a great solution for creating a repeatable environment. Using Infrastructure as Code (IaC) makes  it easy to manage configurations, avoid dependency issues, and prevent server drift. Using IaC also means that you can recreate the environment as often as necessary to ensure it remains consistent. This gets complicated when…

Creating a Temporary Visual Studio Environment

Sometimes you will find that you need a cloud environment for working on a project. In some cases, you need the environment to perform a task that would take too long when you run it locally (for example, downloading a large file to transfer to Azure Blob Storage). Perhaps you need a mobile environment to…

Xamarin: From Zero to Certified

I have been interested in mobile development for several years now. I have dipped my toes into the waters of mobile development here and there. Recently, I have completed my Xamarin certification exam; so now I am legit. I would just like to highlight a bit of that journey. In the Beginning My interest for mobile…

Azure Storage Tables Whitepaper

Learn about the good and bad of Microsoft’s Azure storage library and develop an improved understanding of Azure Tables. Get introduced to a set of time-honed patterns and practices related to Azure Tables.