Silverlight/Prism ViewModel and DelegateCommand

In yesterday’s post about Decoupled ChildWindow Dialogs in Silverlight using Prism, I demonstrated a way to use EventAggregator to decouple the implementation of a dialog from the code that requires the confirmation. In one example, I showed a code-behind click event that fired off the process, something like this: private void Button_Delete_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)…

Decoupled ChildWindow Dialogs with Prism in Silverlight 3

A common user interface component is the confirmation or message box, which is often presented as a dialog returns a boolean (OK/Cancel). There are a variety of ways to achieve this, but how can you decouple the implementation of the popup from the request itself? This is necessary, for example, for unit testing when you…

A Twist on the Twist of the Observer Pattern

Thanks to those of you who read my Twist on the Observer pattern and gave me the feedback. You said, “Hey, Jeremy, that’s neat, but there is already a pattern established for what you’re talking about, and a few great solutions ready to use. Besides, they are much, much more powerful…” Thanks to Microsoft MVP…

A Twist on the Observer Pattern

The observer pattern is well established and used. The typical scenario is to register to an class and then allow your Notify method to be called. This often involves keeping an internal list of observers and then iterating them to notify that something has changed. I had a situation recently that warranted a lighter weight…

Prism Presentation – Code and Slides

I recently had the pleasure of speaking at CodeStock 2009 and was very impressed with the conference overall.  The folks behind this conference put in a lot of work and did a really great job.  I got the chance to see some really good presentations as well.  I look forward to attending CodeStock in the…