The Calm Before the Storm – Preparing for Microsoft Build 2015

Things have been fairly quiet on the developer front as Microsoft gets ready to put on its really big show in San Francisco, Build 2015.  Here’s a few things we’re looking forward to learning more about. Microsoft’s Build 2015 starts on Wednesday and its promising to be quite a show.  With a new version of…

Android Wear Update Looks to Upstage Apple Watch

Google has released an update to their Android Wear software with features such as Gestures and Wifi support intended to differentiate their watches from Apple’s Watch. Google has released an update to Android Wear to provide some exciting new features to existing wearables.  New features include an open Watch Face API, wrist gesture support, Wifi support…

Can Google Escape Microsoft’s Fate?

Google could be following in Microsoft’s rather expensive footsteps as the European Union opens an antitrust investigation alleging that bundling of Google services with Android represents an abuse of its dominant position in mobile operating systems. The European Union, every corporate monopoly’s worst enemy,  is setting its sights once again on Google.  This time it’s going after Google for…

The Fight for Net Neutrality Begins… Again

After releasing the new Net Neutrality Rules yesterday, the FCC has come under immediate legal action by lobbyists supporting cable and wireless providers. The FCC released their new Net Neutrality rules to the Federal Register yesterday and one day later the legal battle has begun.  The CTIA, a lobbyist organization for the wireless industry has…

Amazon Unleashes New Cloud Offerings at AWS Summit

Amazon has announced several new cloud services during their AWS Summit as well as some new features on existing cloud services. Today’s AWS Summit Keynote included announcements for four new cloud services; Amazon EFS (Elastic File System), Amazon Machine Learning, AWS Marketplace for Desktop Apps, and Amazon Workspaces Application Manager.  They also showcased new features for EC2 including…

Microsoft Announces New Windows Server Features for Containers

Microsoft announced today Hyper-V Container support to allow virtualization of Docker containers as well as a new barebones version of Windows Server called Nano Server. Microsoft’s Server and Cloud Blog announced new features for Windows Server 2016 that adds further support for the Docker container application virtualization platform.  Docker is a platform for running individual…

Microsoft Announces New Simpler Product Lineup for Visual Studio 2015

Microsoft has announced the new model for Visual Studio editions which includes combining the Ultimate and Premium editions into a single less expensive Enterprise Edition. Microsoft announced on their Visual Studio blog the product model for the upcoming Visual Studio 2015 development tools.  The big news is that they are combining the Ultimate Edition and…

Microsoft Gives a Peek Into Visual Studio’s Future

Microsoft has posted a list of upcoming features currently in development for Visual Studio 2015 as well as possibly older versions.  While the items don’t include dates they do show a breadth of features and a continued emphasis on supporting applications beyond Windows. Microsoft’s Visual Studio Blog is giving readers a view into the work…

Microsoft Announces New Azure App Service

Microsoft is announcing Azure App Service today, a consolidation of existing Website and Mobile services as well as some exciting new services for workflows and APIs. Microsoft is making it easier to build apps for any device on their Azure cloud service by consolidating several existing services into a unified model called Azure App Services.  Azure…

Microsoft Releases MSBuild as Open Source on GitHub

Microsoft has announced the availability of the the MSBuild tool source code on GitHub as part of their dotnetConf online virtual conference. Microsoft has added another key tool to their .NET Foundation Open Source library with the release of MSBuild on GitHub.  MSBuild is the build system used by Visual Studio, TFS, and Visual Studio…

Microsoft Releases Application Insights SDK for Java

Microsoft is extending the features of their Application Insights service to Java applications with a new SDK. It seems each week holds a new release that demonstrates the further opening of the Microsoft developer landscape to previously uncharted territories.  This week is no exception as Microsoft’s ALM Blog has announced a new Java SDK for the…

Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6 Overview: Big Features and Hidden Gems

The latest Community Technology Preview of Visual Studio 2015 contains a dizzying array of changes, some of which include whole new features as well as several harder-to-see bits of awesomeness. Microsoft unleashed a whirlwind of new capabilities to the public at large with CTP 6 for Visual Studio 2015 as well as the first CTP…