Connect() 2015 Videos Available

Microsoft’s Connect() conference last week included not only the keynote with the announcements but more than 60 individual breakout sessions on technologies from Azure to Office365.  Those videos are available now for streaming on Channel 9.  The format for the videos include several Q&A sessions with the keynote speakers such as Scott Guthrie, Anders Hejlsberg,…

Visual Studio Code Goes Open Source and more from Microsoft Connect() 2015

Microsoft is holding it’s 2015 Connect() virtual conference today which was kicked off by a lengthy keynote from Scott Guthrie.  In the keynote there were several new announcements including a sneak peek into Visual Studio 2015 Update 1, new features in Visual Studio Code, and a new model for getting Microsoft developer tools.  Here’s an…

New Developer Features in EdgeHTML 13

Microsoft’s big November Windows 10 update carried with it some significant improvements not only in the OS but also in the Edge browser and the components it exposes to developers.  EdgeHTML, the core rendering engine got updates including better HTML5 Support while Chakra, the Javascript execution engine got improved ES7/ES2016 support including async functions. EdgeHTML…

Microsoft Connect() Virtual Conference Preview

Last year Microsoft reached out to developers via a global virtual conference aptly named Connect().  During that conference they announced the .NET Open Source initiatives for Linux and Mac and also revealed the Visual Studio Code editor for Windows, Mac, and Linux.  This year’s conference promises more revelations with keynotes and presentations from developer favorites like…

Cloud Foundry for Azure Released

Microsoft has announced general availability of the open source DevOps platform Cloud Foundry for Azure.  Microsoft has worked with the Cloud Foundry community to provide Resource Manager Templates to enable fast deployment of BOSH tools. By merging the Azure Cloud Provider Interface (CPI) into the upstream, open source Cloud Foundry repository, Cloud Foundry on Azure…

New Microsoft Project Oxford Features including Open Source SDKs

Microsoft has announced new features for their Language Understanding Intelligent Services (the natural language engine that powers Cortana) as it comes into public beta.  New features include Chinese language support, the ability to import and export langage-to-system data as JSON objects, and increased usage of internally built language models.  They have also open sourced the SDK code…

Claim Up To $15,000 In CoreCLR and ASP.NET 5 Bug Bounty!

Now you can join the ranks of Boba Fett and Dog the Bounty Hunter!  Microsoft is taking the stability of their open source CoreCLR and ASP.NET 5 stacks to the people by offering up cash rewards for developers who can find, and prove, defects in the CoreCLR or ASP.NET 5.  Not every bug is created…

Microsoft Releases Azure Active Directory Domain Services

Microsoft has released a public preview for their new Azure Active Directory Domain Services feature in Azure Active Directory.  This feature allows you to establish virtual network domains in Azure. Azure AD Domain Services is an entirely new concept. It’s a cloud based service which gives you a fully Windows Server Active Directory compatible set…

Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 CTP Released

Last week amid all the hardware releases, Microsoft also released a CTP of the next update for Visual Studio 2015.  This release includes support for Edit and Continue in C++ Windows Store projects, the C# Interactive debugging window, and a pull request hub in the Team Explorer window. Team Explorer now features a new Pull…

Amazon Releases New Cloud Services at re:Invent Conference

This is a big week for Amazon developers as Amazon’s annual web service developer conference kicks off in Las Vegas and the Day 1 keynote brought with it a slew of new product announcements.  Among them are a new Business Intelligence service, an interesting new device for transporting petabytes of data between data centers, and…

How Azure File Storage Works

Microsoft’s Mark Russinovich published a blog post that goes into detail about how the newly released Azure File Service takes advantage of existing Azure services to provide a hyper scale file share service.  The key is the implementation of SMB 3.0 support with directory and file metadata being stored in Azure Table Storage while the…

Microsoft Windows 10 Hardware Event – Live Blog

Join us tomorrow morning as we offer our first Live Blog of a Microsoft event.  You’ll get all the updates as they happen right here.  The show starts at 10:00 AM EDT. See you there!   (function() { var lb24 = document.createElement(‘script’); lb24.type = ‘text/javascript’; = ’24lbScript’; lb24.async = true; lb24.charset=”utf-8″; lb24.src = ‘//’;…