Is Your AutoCompleteExtender Not Working?

As you’re probably aware by now, the first ASP.NET AJAX (formerly known as “Atlas”) beta has been published. Like a lot of folks, I’m slogging through all my old Atlas code porting it to work on the beta. There are LOTS of changes, and porting a non-trivial app takes time. I feel sorry for book authors,…

Goodbye TiVo, Hello Moxi

I’ve been away from the blog for a while. In July I was heads-down on a super-intense consulting project, and in August I was on the road: New York City, Oregon, Redmond, and then South Bend, IN. I’m finally home for a short while and have a few cycles to spare (but only a few).…

CrashFinder 2.55: A Bug Fix and x64 Support!

Thanks to Dave Scherer who reported a problem in CrashFinder where the 32-bit version running on x64 wasn’t properly handling the WOW64 version of NTDLL.DLL because it is missing the import table. In doing the fix I figured it was the time to produce an x64 version of CrashFinder. Download the code here. As always, let…

Hiding the Root Node from SiteMapPath

ASP.NET developers often set SiteMapDataSource’s ShowStartingNode property to false to hide the root node from TreeView and Menu controls. Unfortunately, that doesn’t hide the root node from SiteMapPath controls, because SiteMapPaths bypass SiteMapDataSources and go directly to the site map provider. I’m working on a project right now that requires me to hide the root node…

Warbirds, 25 or 6 to 4, and More

We enjoyed an awesome Memorial Day weekend in East Tennessee as a cool, rainy spring finally gave way to a hot, sultry summer. I have a new appreciation for Memorial Day since I’ve become so interested (obsessed?) with WWII aviation. The men who flew those beautiful Mustangs in Europe and Corsairs in the Pacific paid…

CrashFinder Returns

When we moved to the new web site, we broke the link to the CrashFinder source code. Turns out there were a ton of people that wanted the source code. I feel loved. :^) Sorry it took a bit to get back up, but I wanted to get it ported so that it compiled with…

Devscovery, Atlas, VB, and Warhawks

Devscovery New York isn’t far away. I just purchased a plane ticket and put the finishing touches on a bunch of code samples. If you’re at the conference, be sure to attend my session on Microsoft Atlas. I have some rocking demos to show, and I now have a VB version of the samples for those…

Do you really want to learn about SOS?

SOS (Son of Strike) is the hardcore tool for poking at the nastiest of .NET problems. I’ve written about it before, but if you want to see some of the best SOS spelunking around, make sure to check out Tess Ferrandez’ amazing blog: If broken it is, fix it you should. Let’s just put it…

XslCompiledTransform Performance

I’ve been meaning to write some benchmark code to compare the performance of .NET 2.0’s new XslCompiledTransform class and 1.1’s deprecated XslTransform. I finally got around to it this morning, and the results were a little disappointing. In my tests, which used a fairly simple style sheet, XslCompiledTransform ran about 3 times faster than XslTransform.…

Jerky Heaven

I love beef jerky. It’s a great snack when you’re hiking, scuba diving, or spending a long day at the flying field. Lately I’ve been in jerky heaven since a friend taught me how to make my own. It’s not only cheaper than the store-bought stuff, it tastes better, too. Here’s the secret to making…

Session State Partitioning

ASP.NET 2.0 is so chock full of new features that it’s hardly surprising some of those features are barely documented (or not documented at all). I love sifting through the dirt and uncovering hidden gems that few people know about. One of those hidden gems is session state partitioning, which helps large applications that use…