Kissing the Blarney Stone

My luggage wasn’t waiting for me at Heathrow as British Airways said it would be Friday morning; it got sent to Helsinki instead. But BA flew it back from Helsinki and it finally caught up with me last night in Cork, Ireland. It was so good to change into clean clothes! This morning I visited Blarney Castle…

Debug Crashes Immediately in Vista

As much as anyone, I really appreciate the effort that Microsoft put help end users to find resolutions to their crashes. However, after debugging a crashing application today, I got a little tired of looking at the spinning bar and itching for the Debug button of old. Fortunately, it’s easy to toggle off the automatic…

DevDays Europe

Wintellectuals are spread out to the corners of the globe this week–some for spring break, some for business. I leave this afternoon for DevDays/TechDays Europe to deliver some fun sessions of ASP.NET, ASP.NET AJAX, and WPF/E. Here’s a quick list of the dates and locations I’ll be speaking in case you’re planning to attend one…

Implementing Drag-Drop in ASP.NET AJAX

Several folks requested the source code for the ASP.NET AJAX drag-drop example I alluded to in an earlier blog post. Here are the key parts of it (along with some explanations of how it works) that you can borrow using editor inheritance–I mean, cut-and-paste. The first thing you must do to implement rich drag-drop scenarios in ASP.NET…

Visual Studio 2005 Remote Debugging to Vista

When you run MSVSMON.EXE on Vista, do you get the dreaded message indicating that you need to set the firewall, but when you do, MSVSMON.EXE errors out with an Incorrect Function message? After much struggle, I finally found the trick to remote debugging working correctly. Many thanks to this post on the MSDN Forums from…

Drag-Drop in ASP.NET AJAX

One of the most interesting characteristics of ASP.NET AJAX is that the client half (the Microsoft AJAX Library) is full of features not exposed by the server half (the ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions). A case in point is drag-drop. The DragOverlayExtender control in the ASP.NET AJAX Futures CTP makes it extremely easy to convert static HTML…

Integrate Vista SDK Help into MSDN Library Help

Since Microsoft hasn’t released an MSDN Library that includes .NET 3.0 and Vista documentation, it’s frustrating because you can’t get F1 help on all the new and shiny bits. If you’ve installed the Vista Platform SDK, you can open MSDN Library and past the following link into the URL field: ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/dv_vscccommon/local/CollectionManager.htm. From there you can…

Vista x64 on a Mac Pro (Totally Awesome, Dude!)

If you have an Apple Mac Pro, instead of wrestling getting the 32-bit version of Vista (or XP) on the machine, where you can only access 2GB of RAM, just put the Vista x64 version on! It works phenomenally well right out of the box. Here’s a few pointers on what I did on my…

Windows SideShow .NET Framework Components 1.0 (Beta)

Well, I’m very pleased to announce that the “Windows SideShow .NET Framework Components 1.0 (Beta)” is avialable as of today (January 18, 2007). You can download it from here: This is the managed API that I personally implemented for Microsoft to make it easy for managed developers to write SideShow gadget applications for Windows…

Updated Debugging Microsoft .NET 2.0 Applications Source Code

A minor update to the existing code, but added all the cool MSBuild tasks for working offline with TFS as discussed here. Moved everything to Visual Studio 2005 SP1 Removed mssccprj.scc installed with Wintellect.Visualizers, which obviously wasn’t supposed to be installed. Added RemoveVersionControlBindingsTask, RestoreVersionControlBindingsTask, and TFPowerToyOnlineTask. You can read about them in the here and learn how…

Working Offline with TFS

(Note: The following may work with Visual SourceSafe or other version control systems, but I only tested with TFS.) (Note 2: Some kind folks indicated I might have sounded more shrill than I probably meant so I’ve edited this post. Sorry for any offense. There’s a reason I need editors!) Now that I’ve finished my…

TechEd Europe

I arrived home this weekend after a trip to Barcelona for TechEd Europe. This year TechEd Europe was split into two events. Last week was the TechEd for developers; this week is the one for IT folks. In terms of turnout and quality of content, it was the most successful TechEd Europe ever. The star of the…