Wintellect is now a GitHub Verified Partner

With the acquisition of GitHub in late 2018, Microsoft has demonstrated their investment in the developer community and a shift in the way they build software. GitHub provides a world-class platform and collaborative environment that shifts security as far left as possible. Therefore, the combination of two powerhouse companies has opened the door to a…

Tech on Fire: Azure App Service Advanced Tools a.k.a. Kudu

Azure Kudo is an advanced set of tools for working with Azure App Services and supplements the tools in the Azure Portal and Azure CLI. In this edition of Tech on Fire, learn how you can use Kudo to get access to the file system and run commands in the App Service context that’s running…

Tech on Fire: Azure App Service Deployment Center

Azure App Service Deployment Center can be used to create simple Continuous Deployment pipelines for apps running on Azure App Services. When combined with a Continuous Integration service like GitHub, full CI/CD pipelines can be built using only a few mouse clicks. In this video, you will learn how to set one up in just…

Fundamentals of Deep Learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that relies on deep neural networks. It is how computers identify objects in images, translate speech in real-time, generate artwork and music, and perform other tasks that would have been impossible just a few short years ago. Learn what neural networks are, how they work, and how…

Tech on Fire: Azure App Service Deployment Slots

Azure App Services have deployment slots that allow developers to publish an application into the slot then easily swap that app into production. In this episode, you will learn what they are and how to use them.

Tech on Fire: Autoscale on Azure App Services

Dynamically scaling an application in the cloud is one of the value propositions of using the cloud. Azure makes this easy with Azure App Services and Autoscaling, which enables apps to scale on all kinds of metrics. In this video, we’ll show you how to use it.

Three Azure-Native Storage Options for Azure Kubernetes Service

Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS) is one of the most versatile platforms on Azure. It can be tailored to run just about any kind of workload that you can throw at it ranging from a simple website to big data that requires access to massively scalable compute. One of the options that is most tunable on…

Tech on Fire: Azure App Service Plans

In this edition of Tech on Fire, you will learn about Azure App Service Plans, which are the foundation for defining your Azure App Service on Azure. This includes the kind of resources needed as well as the scale and scope of an app service.
N-Tier App

When to Use a Service Mesh with Kubernetes

If one has been around the Kubernetes space for any significant amount of time, one has probably heard the words, “service mesh” mentioned, or at least some implementation of one such as Istio, Linkered, or Consul. At first, one might wonder why one would need to add something to Kubernetes, an already complex package that…