WintellectNOW & Skillsoft Partnership

Six years ago, we launched WintellectNOW with a just a handful of videos authored by me, Jeffrey Richter, and John Robbins. The goal was to make the same hard-core developer training that we were delivering in person at Microsoft offices all over the world available to everyone. We did so at the request of Microsoft,…
azure resource manager template

Azure: ARM Template Tips

With the ease of creating resources on Azure, getting a project up and running on the cloud is not only fast but straightforward.  A primary consideration for creating resources on Azure is how those resources are created.  Even though the process of creating resources through the Azure portal is simplistic, it is a manual process…

5 Ways Just About Anyone Can Use Azure

“Cloud computing” is typically associated with enterprises looking for a place to move their services to save money and improve availability. While this is certainly one of the major use cases for cloud computing, Azure can be used by anyone for several purposes. Here are 5 ways that you can take advantage of Azure. Work…

A Raspberry Pi Motion Detector with Azure Integration

After my webinar, lots of people have been asking about how I did the motion detection demo wherein I used a Raspberry Pi based motion detector that used the Azure IoT Hub and more broadly other Azure resources. The demo was a little cheeky because I used a princess castle, toy bear, and toy police…

Arm your Azure Infrastructure

In this session, we’ll show you how to generate ARM Templates for consistent and repeatable deployments, and how you can automate the deployment of your Infrastructure. During a demo-dependent session, we are going to check how Azure DevOps can help us, using Azure Repos to control the versioning of ARM Templates, and Azure Pipelines to…