
Turbocharge WordPress With Docker

If you’ve ever dealt with WordPress, you’ve probably noticed that it’s not the fastest software out of the box. This is not inherently a problem with WordPress, as it is a complex app that runs on a cross platform technology. Performance of WordPress though can be improved with the combined effects of several small tweaks.…

Creating Recoverable TFS Backups

One of the things I’ve come to appreciate most about the cloud software-as-a-service solutions is that it can reduce work. Although there’s still a need for IT, some tasks – such as performing backups – are provided by the vendor. If you’ve ever tried to backup a Team Foundation Server by hand, you have can…

Using Pandas to Analyze Sales Data

Now that we know how the data science process works, let’s leverage some of it and try to find insights into some data. We’ll be using pandas, a popular data analysis package for Python, to load and work with our data. Feel free to follow along by downloading the Jupyter notebook. If you went through…

Creating a Temporary Visual Studio Environment

Sometimes you will find that you need a cloud environment for working on a project. In some cases, you need the environment to perform a task that would take too long when you run it locally (for example, downloading a large file to transfer to Azure Blob Storage). Perhaps you need a mobile environment to…

DevOps: Connecting VSTS to Azure

DevOps is about increasing efficiency and eliminating barriers. There’s a lot of convenience in deploying directly from Visual Studio Team Services into the Azure cloud. With plugin based build and release pipelines, it’s very easy to quickly configure a release and see the results online. You can quickly configure a release to deploy to Azure;…

Quick Start for Moby and LinuxKit

Docker has grown wildly in the last few years. It’s gone from a fledgling startup to a billion-dollar company, and now it’s got the attention of the enterprise. A number of changes have happened at Docker too – there’s been a leadership transition as well as Docker giving many of its core components over to…

Data Science with R in Visual Studio

Like our previous post on Python, we will walk through all the really nice offerings Visual Studio gives us now when working with R and related tools. Since we looked at installing in the previous post, and the steps are the same, I will omit that from this post. We’ll just focus on all the…

How to Avoid a Docker Database Disaster

Containers are cool – and everyone and their mother is trying to get on board with them. While many applications are natural fit for containers in many cases, it feels like some applications are forced into containers so vendors can say, “Hey look at me! I do containers too!” This is particularly true of database…

Data Science with Python in Visual Studio

Yep, you read that right. Visual Studio isn’t the first thing you think of when you hear “data science”, but that may just change soon. In Visual Studio 2017 they have included several tools together where you can do Python, R, and F# data projects for analysis and visualizations. In this post we’ll go over how…

Multi-Stage Builds with Docker

One of the most anticipated announcements in the Docker space when it comes to building images is Multi-Stage builds because of the huge benefits it gives to CI/CD pipelines in DevOps. Before this announcement, building software in a container usually involved creating a container with all the SDK’s and compilers in the container, uploading code…

Migrating Legacy ASP.NET apps to Docker

Many organizations, not wanting to rewrite applications, are figuring out how to take apps and containerize them for the cloud. Older operating systems are either end-of-life or approaching the end-of-life. Likewise, applications are increasingly being migrated to cloud hosts. The need to do this is as pressing as ever and containers offer a simple, viable…