Windows Runtime Components in a .NET World

The new type of program known as a Windows Store app—optimized to run on Windows 8 devices—has a default view with a full-screen window and no distracting chrome, so the content is the focal point. Windows Store apps support fluid layouts that adapt and scale to a variety of screen sizes and resolutions. They provide…

Fixing TFS 2012 Power Tools PowerShell CmdLets in PowerShell x64

The TFS 2012 Power Tool installation only installs the TFS PowerShell Snap-In for the 32-bit flavor of PowerShell on an x64 machine. With nearly all developers running x64 machines, we miss the ability to script TFS access in the ultimate scripting language. Needing to script so TFS automation I went looking to see if we…

Building Backbone Applications with TypeScript

Hot off the press, TypeScript was announced earlier this week and has resulted in an explosion of commentary over Twitter and various blogs. The language claims to be tailored for application-scale development using JavaScript by providing a typed superset. It compiles to JavaScript so it will work in any browser. The promise is to make…

Updated WintellectPowerShell for September 29, 2012

While looking why I was running running short on disk space, I noticed that my IntelliTrace file directory was very large. The default option for debugging with IntelliTrace is to delete the .iTrace file as soon as you stop debugging. I feel it is better to always save the files because that one time you…

Merging Symbol Servers

Conservation is always good so I’m going to recycle some keystrokes. Today I got an email where a company had two symbol servers set up. One was no longer used but held symbols for previously released projects. Since PDB files are as important as source code, they wanted to know if there was a way…

Entity Framework: Expressing the Missing LINQ

I have worked on quite a few projects that use the Entity Framework. It is a powerful ORM and does quite a lot out of the box. I’ve worked with code-first, database-first, and every other flavor in between. If I were to name the one reason I believe developers enjoy working with LINQ the most,…

Wintellect Code All in One Place

We’ve been kind of loose at Wintellect on how we deal with our open source projects. Many are published like mine on a blog or various open source hosting sites. After discussing it internally, we are now starting to push all our code to That’s your go to place for our code. We’re hosting…

Using OData in Windows 8 Apps for Windows 8 RTM

The following is an excerpt from Chapter 6 of my book, Building Windows 8 Apps with C# and XAML. The Open Data Procotol (OData) is a web protocol used for querying and updating data. It is a REST-based API built on top of Atom that uses JSON or XML for transporting information. Windows 8 applications…

Quick Tip: Activating your Windows 8 Installation

Like many of you reading this, I was eager to jump online and download my copy of Windows 8 when it became available to developers yesterday. I pulled down the Windows 8 Enterprise SKU and installed it on my Samsung Series 7 Slate. The install went quickly – I was up and running in about…

Synchronous to Asynchronous Explained

I’ve posted several articles about the new async and await keywords that are available in Visual Studio 2012, but I still see some people struggle with the concept. How do you make a task asynchronous? When and where do you use the async keyword? The answer is not simple because the need to process asynchronously…

Hello Nokia Lumia 900 – and thanks, Endomondo

After years of using a Samsung Focus (older generation) for Windows Phone 7, I recently received my brand new neon blue Nokia Lumia 900. A trip to the AT&T store had my SIM quickly moved from the regular SIM card for the Samsung to the micro SIM that the Nokia uses. I was up and…