Microsoft Open-Sources Azure Container Services Engine

Microsoft on Monday announced a number of updates to Azure Container Services that it says will make the container service more open and flexible. First up: The Kubernetes cloud orchestrator is now available in preview for Azure Container Services. This gives ACS customers a choice of orchestration technologies, with support for DC/OS, Swarm and Kubernetes.…

Can Microsoft Beat Slack at its Own Game?

It was less than two months ago that rumors of a Microsoft competitor to Slack, the messaging app popular in tech and other creative industries, began leaking to the public. Microsoft Teams has been quick to market, with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella announcing Wednesday that commercial customers in 181 countries are now previewing the app.…

Windows 10 ‘Creators Update’ Will Include New 3D, Virtual Reality Features

Setting its sights squarely on the creative professionals who have typically been drawn to Apple products, Microsoft has dubbed its upcoming Windows 10 release the ‘Creators Update‘ and packed it with 3D and VR features. Announced at a Microsoft press event in New York on Wednesday, the next major update to Windows 10 will be…

Microsoft Releases Updated Cognitive Toolkit

Microsoft has released a beta version of its updated Cognitive Toolkit, the deep learning technology that its developers use to train computer systems in speech and image recognition. Available on Github under an open source license, the toolkit is the same one Microsoft researchers used to create a speech recognition system that could recognize words…

Two New IoT Starter Kits to Take for a Spin

Some news for the Makers out there: Microsoft and its partners have updated the line of IoT starter kits based on Windows 10 IoT Core. Two new options are available to help you kick off your IoT projects. The Microsoft Internet of Things Pack for Raspberry Pi 3, from Adafruit, is an update to the…

Microsoft Computer Can Transcribe Conversations As Well As a Human

SkyNet may be only a few steps away. Microsoft researchers say they have come up with a technology that can recognize words in a recorded conversation just as well as an actual human being would, claiming victory over a problem computer scientists have been working on for decades. The company’s Artificial Intelligence and Research division…

How to Use Microsoft’s Project Rome for a Seamless Cross-Device Experience

Taking the ‘universal’ part of the Universal Windows Platform to the next level, Microsoft’s Project Rome focuses on having apps function continuously and harmoniously across devices. A new Microsoft tutorial shows how that might work for your app. Microsoft is highlighting two key features of its Remote Systems API for the Windows Anniversary Update: 1)…

Microsoft’s TechRewards Program Will End in January

Microsoft is shutting down TechRewards, its program that allows developers to earn points toward new products by completing challenges and quizzes. The company announced Thursday that all challenges have been discontinued, and members have until January 6, 2017, to redeem any points they have collected. Microsoft inherited the program, once knowns as DVLUP, when it…

Microsoft Reorganizes, Focuses on AI

Microsoft is forming a new research group focused on artificial intelligence, the company announced Thursday. Led by Harry Shum, a former corporate VP for Bing with 20 years of Microsoft service under his belt, the 5,000-strong AI and Research Group will bring an AI emphasis to all the company’s platforms and services. It will incorporate…

A More Secure Microsoft Edge, and Other News from Ignite 2016

In the wake of highly publicized cyberattacks on big companies, Microsoft on Monday rolled out new security features for its Edge browser. Windows Defender Application Guard, developed for the company’s enterprise customers, will use Microsoft’s Hyper-V virtualization technology to isolate potential security threats. “The threat landscape has changed significantly in recent years,” reads a Microsoft…