Cloud Foundry for Azure Released

Microsoft has announced general availability of the open source DevOps platform Cloud Foundry for Azure.  Microsoft has worked with the Cloud Foundry community to provide Resource Manager Templates to enable fast deployment of BOSH tools. By merging the Azure Cloud Provider Interface (CPI) into the upstream, open source Cloud Foundry repository, Cloud Foundry on Azure…

Has Microsoft’s Recent Successes Inspired New Developer Enthusiasm?

For years Microsoft was seen as a corporate monster gobbling up young startups and generally stumbling into markets either too early, as in the case of tablets or too late, as in the case of smart phone hardware.  As a result companies like Apple, Google, and Samsung now rule the consumer electronics space and with them have…

New Microsoft Project Oxford Features including Open Source SDKs

Microsoft has announced new features for their Language Understanding Intelligent Services (the natural language engine that powers Cortana) as it comes into public beta.  New features include Chinese language support, the ability to import and export langage-to-system data as JSON objects, and increased usage of internally built language models.  They have also open sourced the SDK code…

Top 7 Tweets from @IAmDeveloper

If you haven’t seen the humor tweets from this parody Twitter account, here are seven of my favorites.   You can read all the posts at

Claim Up To $15,000 In CoreCLR and ASP.NET 5 Bug Bounty!

Now you can join the ranks of Boba Fett and Dog the Bounty Hunter!  Microsoft is taking the stability of their open source CoreCLR and ASP.NET 5 stacks to the people by offering up cash rewards for developers who can find, and prove, defects in the CoreCLR or ASP.NET 5.  Not every bug is created…

What Developers Need to Know About Docker

Docker is an application virtualization service based on features of the Linux operating system.  It provides a way to share a host OS, and using a virtualized filesystem, install and run Linux based apps in an isolated environment called a container.    The following diagram shows how Docker is different from Virtual Machines. Docker Architecture Docker…

Microsoft Releases Azure Active Directory Domain Services

Microsoft has released a public preview for their new Azure Active Directory Domain Services feature in Azure Active Directory.  This feature allows you to establish virtual network domains in Azure. Azure AD Domain Services is an entirely new concept. It’s a cloud based service which gives you a fully Windows Server Active Directory compatible set…

A Microsoft Project Orleans Primer

If you’ve been wanting to learn more about Microsoft’s Project Orleans programming model, this primer will give you the basic concepts you need to understand to get started. Actor Based Programming Actor based programming is designed to allow for objects representing multiple instances of related real-world artifacts to interact as independent single threaded entities in…

Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 CTP Released

Last week amid all the hardware releases, Microsoft also released a CTP of the next update for Visual Studio 2015.  This release includes support for Edit and Continue in C++ Windows Store projects, the C# Interactive debugging window, and a pull request hub in the Team Explorer window. Team Explorer now features a new Pull…

Amazon Releases New Cloud Services at re:Invent Conference

This is a big week for Amazon developers as Amazon’s annual web service developer conference kicks off in Las Vegas and the Day 1 keynote brought with it a slew of new product announcements.  Among them are a new Business Intelligence service, an interesting new device for transporting petabytes of data between data centers, and…