Link 32-Bit Native C++ EXEs with /LARGEADDRESSAWARE

If you’re not running a 64-bit version of Windows, I bet that at least one of your customers is. While you should be working on porting your native applications to 64-bit, it doesn’t look like that many teams have made that step. While it will take effort and testing to make the switch, you can…

OMG! Someone Did a Book Report!

Whenever I teach a debugging class, the first thing I talk about is one of the most important points I make though the entire class: read Steve McConnell’s masterpiece, Code Complete 2nd Edition. I ask for an honest show of hands as to who hasn’t read Code Complete, and it always amazes me how many…

Code Quality – A Conversation with John Robbins

At the 2008 PDC, I finally was able to meet the people behind one of my favorite products, NCover. As I’m passionate, (some would say a zealot!) about code coverage, having a great tool like NCover in the market is wonderful. While there are all sorts of development methodologies you can follow, there’s only one…

Fixed ADPlus That Works with Windows 7 (and Probably S2K8 R2)

Edit Feb. 20, 2009: Note that Microsoft has fixed ADPlus with the version of the Debugging Tools for Windows. Use that version instead of my version posted here. Windows 7 has been working quite well for me and the new taskbar is completely fantastic. Being that it’s in beta there are a few bugs…

The Case of the Corrupt PE Binaries

After installing Windows 7, I also installed the Windows 7 SDK as I wanted to poke around the updated headers and documentation files to see what was new at a low level. Additionally, I wanted to make sure all my code compiled against the new headers and libraries in case someone taking my native debugging…

Mastering Windows Debugging Virtual – Native Developers Rejoice!

After many, many requests, we are offering my Mastering Windows Debugging class as a virtual session on February 3 and 4, 2009. The world still runs on native C++ Windows applications so if are designing and debugging those hard core applications, this class is for you! We’ll cover all sorts of great native debugging tricks…

Impressions of Windows 7

It’s been a whole three days that I’ve been using Windows 7 so that makes me an expert. (Just kidding!) However, since I was able to grab my copy before Microsoft faced server death, thank you MSDN Subscription, it’s given me a whole weekend to actually use the operating system in a real world developer…

Win7 Beta – Remove the Send Feedback Link on Every Window

I’m knee deep in setting up my Lenovo X60 Tablet with Windows 7 and my initial impressions are extremely positive. The fact that all the drivers for my laptop were in the install except for the fingerprint reader and the ACPI power management driver nearly made me giddy. I was thrilled that I didn’t have…

Windows 7 Beta – Hot off the Digital Download

If you’re an MSDN Subscriber, you’ve got a little present waiting for you at Both the x86 and x64 versions of Windows 7 Beta! It’s wonderful to see that Microsoft is back to generating excitement about their OS betas. I have to admit that during the Vista beta I never bothered to try it…

PowerShell: One Year Later

At the end of 2007, I made a New Year’s resolution to start using PowerShell as my command window. Amazingly, that’s the only resolution I’ve ever kept in my life! Shocking, isn’t it? What’s even better is that by using PowerShell, it made me taller, better looking, and smarter, too. Well, not the two former,…

Paraffin 3.0 – Now with Full WiX 3.0 Support

Congratulations to the WiX team on hitting the Beta milestone for WiX 3.0! Now that code and schema changes are on the ramp down on the project, I thought it was the time to update my Paraffin tool to offer full support for WiX 3.0. If you didn’t see the original set of blog posts…

PDC 2008 Thoughts

Just when you thought everything was said about the PDC, I thought I’d add a couple of notes from my perspective. I’d planned on doing this earlier, but am still recovering from all the parties and had to wait for the Mike Mathis to upload the best picture of the PDC, which is below. Fellow…