DevOps: Effective Application Instrumentation with Application Insights

So you’ve got the latest in build automation around your Git checkins and PR’s. You’ve set up your CI system to feed into a Continuous Deployment solution and are VSTS/Octopus/Chef/Puppet-ing your way happily through the journey that is DevOps. Not so fast. You’re forgetting the third DevOps pillar – Continuous Monitoring. Without good telemetry and…

The Art of Data DevOps

The heart of software systems today is data storage. As software development cycles get shorter, database development is being forced to adapt the same pace. It’s increasingly important to be able to combine Agile practices with data storage development. In this webinar, you’ll get an overview of Data DevOps and the practices which can enable…

Take a Tour of Azure Cosmos DB

Not all databases are SQL databases. In recent years, demand for non-relational databases has grown into document, column family, and graph databases. Microsoft’s answer to this demand is Azure Cosmos DB, the multi-paradigm managed platform that gives developers options and organizations power to scale globally with all these models. In this webinar, you’ll get an…

Introduction to React

In this webinar, you’ll learn what React is and how it fits into the big picture of modern web development. Through live coding demos, you’ll learn about the key concepts of React, including: the Virtual DOM, one-way data flow, and how to write, test, and compose React components.

Be a Bot Builder with the Microsoft Bot Framework

Bots are consuming our digital world from SMS messages to Facebook Messenger allowing us to accomplish things we never thought we could before. The Microsoft Bot Framework allows anyone to build a bot once and allow it to be consumed through multiple channels. In this webinar, we’ll go over the different components of the Bot…

Building Language Intelligent Apps with Microsoft LUIS

Natural language understanding is one of the core aspects of deep learning, and using it as part of your application can make or break it. With Microsoft’s Language Understanding Intelligent Services, or LUIS, you don’t need to know how to create a deep learning model for your application. In this webinar, we’ll go over what…

A Tour of Azure Databricks

Azure Databricks is an exciting new platform, designed with the founders of Apache Spark, to provide one-click setup, streamlined workflows, and an interactive workspace that enables collaboration between data scientists, data engineers, and business analysts. In this webinar, we’ll go over Azure Databricks, and explore where and how it fits into the Azure Data Platform.…

Visualizing Data with Power BI

Do you need to get quick insights on your data? Build a dashboard for your entire organization? How about a report that shows streaming content in real time? Power BI can do all of this and much more to get the most out of your data. In this webinar, we’ll introduce Power BI to give…

Take a Spin on the Azure IoT Hub

With Azure IoT Hub, Microsoft is providing a one-stop shop to meet the industry demand for managing and scaling IoT device networks. Microsoft Azure has built a suite of tools around IoT Hub, and organizations can opt to use just one or all of the components of Azure IoT. Additionally, Azure IoT can integrate seamlessly…

Blockchain: How to Cash in on Smart Contracts

“Blockchain” is the media buzzword, but it’s really what developers and businesses can do with smart contracts that are changing the way that companies are doing business. It’s through smart contracts that programming logic can be applied to blockchains to facilitate these transactions. Because of the way these apps work, they are enabling all participants on a…

Understanding Infrastructure as Code

DevOps promises shorter development cycles and faster innovation. To make this successful, it’s important to start thinking about infrastructure as resources which can be created, altered, or removed on demand. Key to implementing this process is Infrastructure as Code (IaC) – provisioning servers and infrastructure resources using the same tools and processes developers use for…

Introduction to Machine Learning in Python with Scikit-Learn

Python is a popular programming language for building machine learning models. Facilitating the process, is the powerful library Scikit-Learn, which contains nearly all of the most common machine learning algorithms of the day. Scikit-Learn provides an easy-to-use API that allows for training, validation, and prediction in just a few lines of code. In this webinar,…