ASP.NET Core 3 with CosmosDB (Mongo) and Azure

In this webinar Eric Greene will demonstrate running a containerized ASP.NET Core 3 application on Azure using Cosmos DB (Mongo) to store data. You will learn the important aspects of using Mongo DB (Cosmos DB) with .NET Core 3 and hosting a ASP.NET Core 3 containerized web application on Azure.

Tech on Fire: Azure IaaS – Load Balancers

Tech on Fire: Azure IaaS – Load Balancers In this edition you will learn how Azure Load Balancers provide connectivity for highly available applications like database clusters and web server clusters.

Tech on Fire: Azure – Peering & Virtual Network Gateways

Tech on Fire: Create a Hub-and-Spoke Topology on Azure with Peering and Virtual Network Gateways In this edition you will learn how to use an Azure Virtual Network Gateway and Azure Virtual Network Peering to create complex hub and spoke network topology on Azure.

On Being a Mentor

Mentoring is a big part of what I do professionally, but my path to being a mentor started with being mentored myself when I was still very young. It all started with my first computer, a Commodore 64, which is what got me interested in IT. My dad saw that I had this interest, and…

Angular NgRX Exploring The Essentials of NgRX

In this webinar, programmer and trainer Eric Greene will walk you through the essentials of NgRx. As part of the essentials, some of the important principles of Redux and RxJS will be explained. A simple Angular application will be enhanced with the NgRx Store and Effects modules demonstrating how to orchestrate actions, reducers, selectors and…

Linux Scripting for the Uninitiated

At the root of software engineering is the operating system and the kernel. Learning to navigate the file system and execute commands in the shell remotely or otherwise is essential. Often times you find that you are performing repetitive tasks even on your local environment and this is where shell scripting comes into play. Join…

3 Ways to Automate Custom VMs on Azure

Azure provides a whole suite of tools for customizing and provisioning virtual machines on Azure including custom VM images, a VM Extension for scripting, and Cloud-Init though it’s not always clear which way is the best approach. In this webinar, we’ll show you how to use each of these options with use cases and learn…

Missing Tests on Azure DevOps

Trying to integrate unit tests and code coverage Azure DevOps to other systems and things seem to be disappearing? Learn why it happens and how to fix it...

Securing Your Modern Azure SQL DB Deployment

In this webinar, you’ll learn modern security approaches in Microsoft Azure SQL DB, and how to leverage them in your applications. In SQL Server 2012, Microsoft introduced the self-contained database, a new way to implement security in SQL. Not many people payed attention to this feature, but it is in the center of secure Azure…

Building and Deploying Your First Machine Learning Model with Azure ML

Azure Machine Learning service offers an end-to-end platform to build, train, deploy, and manage machine learning models. The service fully supports open-source technologies such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, and scikit-learn and can be used for any kind of machine learning, from classical ml to deep learning, supervised and unsupervised learning. Attend this session to learn how…