Visual Studio 2015 CTP 6 Overview: Big Features and Hidden Gems

The latest Community Technology Preview of Visual Studio 2015 contains a dizzying array of changes, some of which include whole new features as well as several harder-to-see bits of awesomeness. Microsoft unleashed a whirlwind of new capabilities to the public at large with CTP 6 for Visual Studio 2015 as well as the first CTP…

Software Development Guidelines to Live By

Not too long ago I posted a tweet that immediately went viral. (OK, it’s all relative – to me 66 retweets and 120 favorites is viral.)  It referred to Microsoft’s Engineering Guidelines for contributing to its open-source repository on GitHub for the next version of its web development platform, ASP.NET 5. You may be familiar…

Boston Azure Bootcamp Presentation Materials

I had a tremendous time this weekend presenting alongside Bill Wilder, Michael Collier, John Zablocki, and Jim O’Neil at the Boston Azure Bootcamp event in Cambridge, MA.  The topic once again covered the concepts of using Windows Azure to enhance mobile Windows Phone application and general mobile development considerations, and went beyond my demos to…

CodeStock 2012 Presentation Content

I would like to thank the attendees of my “Putting the Cloud in Your Pocket – A Guide to Using Windows Azure to Build Cloud-Enabled Windows Phone Apps” talk at the recent Codestock event – especially considering the early hour following the previous night’s fun.  The slide and code content I referred to in my…

NuGet Nugget: File-System Based Package Stores

A recent network “hiccup” posed a bit of a challenge to a demo that was built around showing how the Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows Phone (WATWP) NuGet packages make it easy to add Windows Azure cloud features to a Windows Phone 7 application.  So how do you access NuGet content when a network connection…